Pdf Service
OS Environment - Linux (Ubuntu)
Make Sure Go and go mod is Installed in the system
Install dependencies
"go mod init [path]"
"go get ./..."
"go run main.go" to start the server
ses SendGrid to send the emails,Currently email are hardcoded but can be made dynamic based on userid
Add SendGrid Api key in .env
Generated pdf files in static/pdfs/ folder
curl -X POST \ \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'cache-control: no-cache' \
-d '{
"1": "As light from a star spreads out and weakens, do gaps form between the photons?",
"2": "Can momentum be hidden to human eyes like how kinetic energy can be hidden as heat?",
"3":"Can you make a shock wave of light by breaking the light barrier just like supersonic airplanes break the sound barrier?"