ESI-EXPO is a website built to archive projects created by ESI students, including 2CP, 1CS, and 2CS projects. This project was part of the 2CP program.
AdminDashboard Public
AdminDashboard is a powerful web application built using React, Tailwind CSS, and Material-UI, designed to provide administrators with comprehensive insights and control over their projects, stats …
FiniteStateMachine_C Public
Ce programme prend comme entrée un automate d'états finis généralisé et le transforme en un automate d'états finis simple en passant par l'automate d'états finis partiellement généralisé.
RestaurantLandingPage Public
A restaurant landing page built with React-JS. It includes sections for Menu, About, Customer Feedback, and Contact, providing a comprehensive online experience for visitors.
TaskMaster Public
TaskMaster is a server-side to-do app crafted with Django REST Framework and featuring user authentication. The front-end will be added in future updates