This is a readme file //Need help
git help , git --help , git add --help git log ls , ls -la (lists all the files in the directory)
git config --list git congig --global "kiruthikajayagopal" git config --global "[email protected]"
//initialize git
git init
//add files to staging area
git add -A (or) git add file_name git status
//removing files from staging area
git reset file_name git reset
git commit -m "Initial commit" git status git log
//Clone a remote repository
git clone git clone../remote_repo.git. git clone
//viewing information about remote repository
git remote -v git branch -a
//pushing changes
git diff (says difference between old file and modified file) git pull origin master git push origin master
// 1. Create a branch
git branch branch_name git checkout branch_name
//2. commit
git commit -m "Initial commit"
//3. push branch to remote
git push -u origin branch_name git branch -a git pull git push
//4. merge a branch with master
git checkout master git pull origin master git branch --merged git merge branch_name git push origin master
//5. deleting a branch
git branch --merged git branch -d branch_name git branch -a git push origin --delete branch_name cece8a5ada6af114940b8d96bc2818a537c374a4