Verify the innate preferences of typological universals in language models using counterfactual English and Japanese grammars.
Email the authors and we will update the permissions. Our human validation sheets are also available upon request.
We used English and Japanese splits in Wiki-40b.
Local: Download the data into text files by running src/data_processing/
Slurm-based cluster: Continue reading the following sections.
We used Stanza to obtain dependency parses.
Run the following command before you start training on a dataset, if you haven't downloaded Wiki-40b before. Note that we need to create two different virtual environments to avoid package conflicts between Tensorflow and PyTorch.
module load eth_proxy gcc/8.2.0 python_gpu/3.9.9
python -m venv env1
source ./env1/bin/activate
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install --ignore-installed --no-cache-dir -r ./src/data_processing/requirements.txt
./scripts/ -<language_code>
If permission denied, try executing:
chmod -R +x ./scripts
chmod -R +x ./src
For the Greenberg word-order correlation universals, we experimented on Japanese (SOV) and English (SVO).
The experiments are conducted on ETH Cluster (Euler).
The commands should fit to every Slurm-based HPC cluster with some slight modifications cluster-wise.
Make sure you are in the root of your project.
If you have activated a virtual environment already, run the following command:
If you want to delete a virtual environment and the packages it contains, run the following command:
rm -r <env_folder_name>
module load eth_proxy gcc/8.2.0 python_gpu/3.9.9
python -m venv env2
source ./env2/bin/activate
pip install --upgrade pip
Whenever you install a new package, make sure the correct venv is activated!
To install new packages:
pip install --no-cache-dir <package_names>
If you need a different version of an existing package, then you can also install it in your virtual environment. For instance for installing a newer numpy version:
OPENBLAS=$OPENBLAS_ROOT/lib/ pip install --ignore-installed --no-deps numpy==1.20.0
To install required packages for this project:
OPENBLAS=$OPENBLAS_ROOT/lib/ pip install --ignore-installed --no-cache-dir -r requirements.txt
You might also want to login to your wandb account (only once): wandb login
Before running the scripts, make sure you modify the *.euler files accordingly:
- Modify SBATCH options (e.g. resource requests)
- Modify the venv source path:
source <path_to_project>/env2/bin/activate
Run the scripts from the project root.
### See help for all the available options ###
./scripts/ -h
### Train a model with default configuration ###
### Train a model with custom configuration ###
./scripts/ -n <model_name> -d <dataset> -l <lang> -s <seed> -p <project_name> -t <tokenizer_path> -c <ckpt_path> -f <configuration_file> -T <test_mode> -w <sweep_id>