lexicon179 / brand-kit
Forked from base-org/brand-kitBrand guide and logos for the Base brand.
Updated Apr 23, 2024
lexicon179 / node
Forked from base-org/nodeEverything required to run your own Base node
lexicon179 / optimism
Forked from base-org/optimismOptimism is Ethereum, scaled.
lexicon179 / leo
Forked from ProvableHQ/leo🦁 The Leo Programming Language. A Programming Language for Formally Verified, Zero-Knowledge Applications
A webApp containing information about the network, protocol and more
N0bodyMan / sui
Forked from MystenLabs/suiSui, a next-generation smart contract platform with high throughput, low latency, and an asset-oriented programming model powered by the Move programming language
N0bodyMan / socket-v2-sdk
Forked from SocketDotTech/socket-v2-sdkSocket's official SDK
N0bodyMan / intro-to-sway
Forked from FuelLabs/intro-to-swayLearn how to build a marketplace contract with Sway
Curated list of project-based tutorials