This is a collection of recorded talks at machine learning conferences, workshops, seminars, summer schools, and miscellaneous programs. It is actively maintained; please add to this list by submitting a pull request!
This collection builds off the original compilation from a blog post.
In general the following are excellent resources:
- VideoLectures.NET is the primary video archive for machine learning. Much of its content focuses on the field, incorporating conferences, workshops, lectures, and even discussions.
- is the second most used archive. Notably, many ICML videos are located here.
- Youtube contains a few, such as certain AISTATS and ICLR years. It's best for collecting lectures, such as by Nando de Freitas and Alex Smola. Also, the user mathematicalmonk has created several basic mathematical and probability overviews for many ML methods.
- Models, Inference, & Algorithms at the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard has slide decks and a growing playlist on machine learning for biomedical research.
- Neural Information Processing Systems - Papers, Tutorials and Workshops
- Cognitive Computational Neuroscience
- Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics
- International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence
- Conference on Learning Theory
- International Conference on Computer Vision (Oral Session)
- Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (Oral Session)
- International Conference on Machine Learning, alternate link ([1])
- Learning for Dynamics and Control
- International Conference on Learning Representations (Workshops)
- AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence
- Cognitive Computational Neuroscience
- Empirical Methods on Natural Language Processing
- Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics
- Neural Information Processing Systems Workshop, Security in Machine Learning
- Neural Information Processing Systems - Tutorials, Spotlights and Posters
- International Conference on Probabilistic Programming
- Deep|Bayes – Summer school on Deep Learning and Bayesian Methods, Moscow
- Deep Learning Summer School and Reinforcement Learning Summer School, Toronto
- Conference on Learning Theory
- Montreal AI Symposium
- AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence
- Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (pswd:cogscitv)
- Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics
- International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence
- International Conference on Machine Learning
- Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (Tutorials, Workshops)
- International Conference on Learning Representations
- Data, Learning, and Inference, including workshops ([1], [2])
- TensorFlow Dev Summit
- Scaled Machine Learning
- SysML Conference
- Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics
- Montreal AI Symposium [Morning Session] [Afternoon Session]
- AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence
- Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (pswd:cogscitv)
- AI By the Bay
- International Conference on Machine Learning - Tutorials, Invited Talks and Papers
- Neural Information Processing Systems Workshop, Deep Learning for Physical Sciences
- Neural Information Processing Systems Workshop, Approximate Inference
- Machine Learning Summer School, Tübingen, Germany
- Speech and Audio in the Northeast
- Neural Information Processing Systems - Tutorials, Invited Talks, Papers and Symposiums
- International Conference on Learning Representations
- Deep Learning: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications
- Deep Reinforcement Learning Bootcamp
- Cognitive Computational Neuroscience
- Gaussian Process Summer School, Sheffield
- Empirical Methods on Natural Language Processing
- Deep Learning Summer School and Reinforcement Learning Summer School, Montreal
- Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition - Spotlights, Orals and Tutorials
- GPU Technology Conference
- Data, Learning, and Inference Workshop, Data Efficient Reinforcement Learning
- Edinburgh Deep Learning Workshop
- Workshop on Validating and Expanding Approximate Bayesian Computation Methods
- TensorFlow Dev Summit
- Foundations of Machine Learning Boot Camp, Simons Institute
- StanCon
- Empirical Methods on Natural Language Processing
- AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence
- European Conference on Computer Vision
- Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
- Neural Information Processing Systems Workshop, Nonconvex Optimization: Theory and Practice
- Neural Information Processing Systems Symposium, RNN and Other Machines That Learn Algorithms
- Neural Information Processing Systems Workshop, Bayesian Deep Learning
- Neural Information Processing Systems Workshop, Reliable Machine Learning in the Wild
- Neural Information Processing Systems Workshop, Approximate Inference
- Neural Information Processing Systems Workshop, Adversarial Training
- Neural Information Processing Systems
- Bay Area Deep Learning School
- Deep Learning, Tools and Methods Workshop
- Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining
- Deep Learning Summer School, Montreal
- Uncertainty in Computation, Simons Institute
- Machine Learning Summer School, Peru
- International Conference on Machine Learning
- Machine Learning Summer School, Cadiz
- International Conference on Learning Representations
- Empirical Methods on Natural Language Processing
- Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
- International Conference on Computer Vision
- Neural Information Processing Systems
- Gaussian Process Summer School, Sheffield
- Deep Learning Summer School, Montreal
- International Conference on Machine Learning
- Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence
- Arthur M. Sackler Colloquia: Drawing Causal Inference from Big Data
- International Conference on Learning Representations
- Conference on Learning Theory
- Machine Learning Summer School, Tübingen
- Machine Learning Summer School, Sydney
- Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition - Oral
- Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition - Spotlights
- European Conference on Computer Vision
- UToronto Workshop on Big Data and Statistical Machine Learning
- Neural Information Processing Systems
- Gaussian Process Summer School, Sheffield
- Machine Learning Summer School, Pittsburgh
- International Conference on Machine Learning
- Conference on Learning Theory
- Artificial Intelligence and Statistics
- International Conference on Computer Vision
- Gaussian Process Winter School, Sheffield
- Machine Learning Summer School, Iceland
- Neural Information Processing Systems
- Neural Information Processing Systems Workshops
- International Conference on Machine Learning
- Machine Learning Summer School, Tübingen
- Conference on Learning Theory
- Harvard Institute for Quantitative Social Science, Applied Statistics Workshop
- Brown ICERM workshops (the 2012 Bayesian nonparametrics is particularly good)
- Neural Information Processing Systems
- Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence
- International Conference on Machine Learning
- AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence
- Neural Information Processing Systems
- Neural Information Processing Systems Workshops
- Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence
- Conference on Learning Theory
- Artificial Intelligence and Statistics
- Neural Information Processing Systems
- International Conference on Machine Learning
- Artificial Intelligence and Statistics
- Neural Information Processing Systems
- Machine Learning Summer School, Cambridge
- International Conference on Machine Learning