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Insights: samLozier/dbt_jinja_tests
Dependency graph
137 Total
- black >= 21.10b0
- click >= 8.0.1
- coverage >= 6.2
- darglint >= 1.8.1
- flake8 >= 4.0.1
- flake8-bandit >= 2.1.2
- flake8-bugbear >= 21.9.2
- flake8-docstrings >= 1.6.0
- flake8-rst-docstrings >= 0.2.5
- furo >= 2021.11.12
- isort >= 5.10.1
- jinja2 ^ 3.1.2
- mypy >= 0.930
- myst-parser >= 0.16.1
- pep8-naming >= 0.12.1
- pre-commit >= 2.16.0
- pre-commit-hooks >= 4.1.0
- pydantic ^ 1.10.2
- pygments >= 2.10.0
- pytest >= 6.2.5
Supported ecosystems will have transitivity labels on their packages.