Hey!! this is my version of the project so_long from school 42. It's nothing incredible but it should work (I hope).
gcl https://github.com/samaelM/so_long && gcl https://github.com/42Paris/minilibx-linux so_long/mlx/
you first need to download this repo :
gcl https://github.com/samaelM/so_long
then enter the directory
cd so_long
and finally you need to install the mlx
gcl https://github.com/42Paris/minilibx-linux mlx
create the executable with :
execute like this (maps are stored in ./maps/ and you can easily create more):
./so_long [map]
move with w,a,s,d catch all the stars and go to the exit!
if encounter any bugs please contact me at: [email protected]