A modern, responsive portfolio website built with Next.js 14, TypeScript, and Framer Motion. Features smooth animations, dark mode support, and an intuitive user interface.
- Modern Tech Stack: Built with Next.js 14, TypeScript, and Tailwind CSS
- Responsive Design: Fully responsive layout that works on all devices
- Dark Mode: Seamless dark/light theme switching with next-themes
- Smooth Animations: Sophisticated animations using Framer Motion
- Interactive UI:
- Magnetic links
- Custom cursor effects
- Sparkle animations
- Gradient backgrounds
- Spring physics transitions
- Contact Form: Integrated with Web3Forms for easy contact
- Performance Optimized: Fast loading times and optimized assets
- Type-Safe: Full TypeScript support for robust code
- Accessibility: Built with accessibility in mind
- Framework: Next.js 14
- Language: TypeScript
- Styling: Tailwind CSS
- Animation: Framer Motion
- Form Handling: @web3forms/react
- Icons: Lucide React
- Notifications: Sonner
- Theme: next-themes
- Development:
- ESLint
- PostCSS
- Sharp (Image optimization)
Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/samcuxx/portfolio.git
Install dependencies
npm install
Set up environment variables
# Create a .env.local file and add: NEXT_PUBLIC_WEB3FORMS_KEY=your_web3forms_key
Run the development server
npm run dev
Build for production
npm run build
: Next.js app router pages/components
: Reusable React components/contexts
: React context providers/hooks
: Custom React hooks/public
: Static assets/styles
: Global styles and Tailwind config/data
: Static data and content
- Theme Toggle: Custom animated dark/light mode switch
- Magnetic Links: Interactive link animations
- Contact Form: Form with validation and submission handling
- Project Grid: Responsive grid with filtering and animations
- Custom Cursor: Enhanced cursor interactions
- Footer: Animated social links and navigation
The website is fully responsive with breakpoints for:
- Mobile devices
- Tablets
- Desktops
- Large screens
- Scroll-based reveals
- Hover interactions
- Page transitions
- Loading states
- Micro-interactions
Required environment variables:
This project is open source and available under the MIT License.
For any inquiries or feedback, please reach out through the contact form on the website.
Built with ❤️ by Samuel Cux