Python2 script for scraping product listing data to CSV file
This is a basic script that can be modified to scrape product listing websites. This will work for websites that use HTTP Redirects - inc ase there are Javascript redirects, you will need to use something else like Selenium.
Right now it only scrapes data from one page, "go to next page and continue scraping" capability is To-do
- Specify the output using -o or --output argument (Right now only "csv", without quotes, is supported)
- Specify the output filename using -f or --filename argument. If not specified "out.csv" will be used
pip install lxml
pip install cssselect
- Product listing is assumed to be in the href of an
tag - Image URL is assumed to be in an
- Product title, price and availability are assumed to be present as the content of a
or similar tag
- urllib2 is used to read pages and handle redirects
- lxml's CSSSelector is used to specify HTML element - these are similar to jQuery CSS selectors
- Python's csv module is used to write to CSV file
- The script looks for product details link and searches in that page for title, image, price and availability info - this takes longer than reading the information directly from the product listing page but it allows you to read detailed info
- All CSS selectors, anchor tags etc. can specified in the beginning of the script
"go to next page and continue scraping"