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.gitignore visual studio files. run Atom's formatter on Parc.
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alexreinking committed Jun 22, 2020
1 parent 174896f commit eaad844
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Showing 2 changed files with 40 additions and 39 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions .gitignore
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Expand Up @@ -6,3 +6,4 @@ package-lock.json
78 changes: 39 additions & 39 deletions src/Core/Parc.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -107,33 +107,33 @@ parcExpr (App fun args)
= do args' <- reverseMapM parcExpr args
fun' <- parcExpr fun
return (App fun' args')
parcExpr (Lam pars body)
= do body' <- withNoUse $ parcExpr body
-- for each par in pars, if inuse = ok, otherwise drop
-- remove all pars from "inuse"
parcExpr (Let dgs body)
= do body' <- parcExpr body
dgs' <- parcDefGroups dgs
return (Let dgs' body')
parcExpr expr@(Con cname info)
parcExpr expr@(Con cname info)
= do if availableReuse then allocReuse else ..
parcExpr expr@(Var vname InfoNone) -- InfoArity, InfoExternal
= do inuse <- getInUse(vname)
if (inuse)
if (inuse)
then return expr -- dup it
else do addInUse(vname)
return expr
parcExpr expr
return expr
parcExpr expr
= return expr

-- Generate a "drop match"
-- Generate a "drop match"
genDropMatch :: TName -> [TName] -> [TName] -> Parc Expr
genDropMatch con dups drops
= do xdrops <- mapM genDrop drops
Expand All @@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ genKeepMatch con dups drops
cdrop <- genDrop con
return $ makeStats (catMaybes (xdups ++ [cdrop]))

-- Generate a "reuse match"
-- Generate a "reuse match"
genReuseMatch :: TName -> [TName] -> [TName] -> Parc Expr
genReuseMatch con dups drops
= do xdrops <- mapM genDrop drops
Expand All @@ -167,18 +167,18 @@ makeStats []
makeStats exprs
= Let [DefNonRec (makeDef nameNil expr) | expr <- init exprs]
(last exprs)

makeDef :: Name -> Expr -> Def
makeDef name expr
= Def name (typeOf expr) expr Private DefVal InlineNever rangeNull ""

-- Generate a test if a (locally bound) name is unique
genIsUnique :: TName -> Expr
genIsUnique tname
= App (Var (TName nameIsUnique funTp) (InfoExternal [(C, "constructor_is_unique(#1)")]))
[Var tname InfoNone]
tp = typeOf tname
funTp = TFun [(nameNil,tp)] typeTotal typeBool

Expand All @@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ genFree :: TName -> Expr
genFree tname
= App (Var (TName nameFree funTp) (InfoExternal [(C, "constructor_free(#1)")]))
[Var tname InfoNone]
tp = typeOf tname
funTp = TFun [(nameNil,tp)] typeTotal typeUnit

Expand All @@ -197,14 +197,14 @@ genReuse :: TName -> Expr
genReuse tname
= App (Var (TName nameReuse funTp) (InfoExternal [(C, "constructor_reuse(#1)")]))
[Var tname InfoNone]
tp = typeOf tname
funTp = TFun [(nameNil,tp)] typeTotal typeReuse

-- Generate a reuse of a constructor
genNoReuse :: Expr
= App (Var (TName nameNoReuse funTp) (InfoArity 0 0)) []
funTp = TFun [] typeTotal typeReuse
Expand All @@ -215,24 +215,24 @@ genDrop tname = genDupDrop False tname
-- Generate a dup/drop over a given (locally bound) name
-- May return Nothing if the type never needs a dup/drop (like an `int` or `bool`)
genDupDrop :: Bool -> TName -> Parc (Maybe Expr)
genDupDrop isDup tname
genDupDrop isDup tname
= do let tp = typeOf tname
(dataDef,dataRepr) <- getDataDefRepr tp
case dataDef of
DataDefValue _ 0 -> return Nothing -- no need to dup/drop a value type with no pointer fields (like int)
_ -> return (Just (App (dupDropFun isDup tp) [Var tname InfoNone]))

dupFun tp = dupDropFun True tp

dupFun tp = dupDropFun True tp
dropFun tp = dupDropFun False tp

dupDropFun isDup tp
= Var (TName name (coerceTp )) (InfoExternal [(C, (if isDup then "dup" else "drop") ++ "(#1)")])
dupDropFun isDup tp
= Var (TName name (coerceTp )) (InfoExternal [(C, (if isDup then "dup" else "drop") ++ "(#1)")])
name = if isDup then nameDup else nameDrop
coerceTp = TFun [(nameNil,tp)] typeTotal (if (isDup) then tp else typeUnit)

Parc monad
Expand All @@ -241,9 +241,9 @@ newtype Parc a = Parc (Env -> State -> Result a)
data Env = Env{ currentDef :: [Def],
prettyEnv :: Pretty.Env,
newtypes :: Newtypes,
owned :: Owned
owned :: Owned

type Owned = TNames -- = S.Set TName
type InUse = S.Set Name

Expand All @@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ data Result a = Ok a State
runParc :: Pretty.Env -> Newtypes -> Int -> Parc a -> (a,Int)
runParc penv newtypes u (Parc c)
= case c (Env [] penv newtypes tnamesEmpty) (State u S.empty []) of
Ok x st -> (x,uniq st)
Ok x st -> (x,uniq st)

instance Functor Parc where
fmap f (Parc c) = Parc (\env st -> case c env st of
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -288,7 +288,7 @@ getEnv
updateSt :: (State -> State) -> Parc State
updateSt f
= Parc (\env st -> Ok st (f st))

getSt :: Parc State
= Parc (\env st -> Ok st st)
Expand All @@ -300,14 +300,14 @@ getSt
withOwned :: [TName] -> Parc a -> Parc a
withOwned tnames action
= withEnv (\env -> env{ owned = tnamesInsertAll (owned env) tnames}) action

getOwned :: Parc [TName]
= do env <- getEnv
return (tnamesList (owned env))

ownedAndNotUsed :: Parc [TName]
= do owned <- getOwned
used <- getInUse
let isUsed tname = S.member (getName tname) used
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -341,15 +341,15 @@ setInUse :: InUse -> Parc ()
setInUse inuse0
= do updateSt (\st -> st{ inuse = inuse0 })
return ()
-- TODO: also save/restore the reuseInfo?

-- TODO: also save/restore the reuseInfo?
isolateInUse :: Parc a -> Parc (a, InUse)
isolateInUse action
= do inuse0 <- getInUse
x <- action
st1 <- updateSt (\st -> st{ inuse = inuse0 }) -- restore
st1 <- updateSt (\st -> st{ inuse = inuse0 }) -- restore
return (x,inuse st1)

branchInUse :: [Parc a] -> Parc [a]
branchInUse branches
= do xs0 <- mapM isolateInUse branches
Expand All @@ -362,7 +362,7 @@ branchInUse branches
-- reuse

withReuse :: ReuseInfo -> Parc a -> Parc (a, Maybe Name)
withReuse reuseInfo action
withReuse reuseInfo action
= do r <- uniqueName "reuse"
updateSt (\st -> st{ reuse = (r,reuseInfo): reuse st })
x <- action
Expand All @@ -371,12 +371,12 @@ withReuse reuseInfo action
if (isReused)
then return (x,Just r)
else return (x,Nothing)

tryReuse :: TName -> ConRepr -> Parc (Maybe Name)
tryReuse conName conRepr
= return Nothing -- TODO: lookup if we can reuse, and if so, remove the name from the ReuseInfo

-- tracing

Expand Down

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