npm install @samwen/firestore-pagination --save
You will need generate private key under service accounts and save it as serviceAccount.json in the project root folder.
You can use the import-json.js to import books.json into your firestore database.
node import-json.js books.json
Copy/paste config file as config.js.
const admin = require('firebase-admin'); const ConfigUtil = require('@samwen/config-util'); const { Pagination } = require('@samwen/firestore-pagination'); const serviceAccount = require('../serviceAccount.json'); admin.initializeApp({ credential: admin.credential.cert(serviceAccount) }); const db = admin.firestore(); const config = new ConfigUtil(require('./config.js')); (async () => { let batch_key = null, action = null; if (process.argv.length > 2) { batch_key = process.argv[2]; } if (process.argv.length > 3) { action = process.argv[3]; } const options = { batch_key: batch_key, select: ['id', 'isbn', 'title'], filters: [ ['', 'order-by', 'desc'], ['', '>=', '2010-01-01'], ], nodb_filters: [ ['id', '!=', '00346'], ['isbn', '!=', '161729084X'], ] }; let pages = new Pagination(db, config); const result = await pages.do_preview(options); console.log('\n*** preview result: ' + JSON.stringify(result)); console.log('metrics: ' + JSON.stringify(pages.get_metrics())+'\n'); pages = new Pagination(db, config); const batch_pages = await pages.do_paging(action, options); if (batch_pages) { pages.print_batch_pages(batch_pages,; console.log(); if (batch_pages.has_prev) { console.log('for previous batch: \tnode demo.js ' + batch_pages.batch_key + ' PREV') } console.log('for current batch: \tnode demo.js ' + batch_pages.batch_key) if (batch_pages.has_next) { console.log('for next batch: \tnode demo.js ' + batch_pages.batch_key + ' NEXT') } } else { console.log('no data to list'); } })();
- There are 3 examples under examples folders: demo.js, interactive.js and get-batch.js.
$ node demo.js
*** preview result: {"total":"> 100","cached_count":81} metrics: {"read_docs":1,"write_docs":1,"delete_docs":0,"runtime":518}---------------------- batch no: 1 ---------------------- ### page no 1 id, isbn, title 1: 00368, 1617291692, The Well-Grounded Rubyist, Second Edition 2: 00352, 1617291455, Ember.js in Action 3: 00349, 1617291412, The Joy of Clojure, Second Edition 4: 00289, 1617290629, CoffeeScript in Action 5: 00387, 1617292133, Learn SQL Server Administration in a Month of Lunches ### page no 2 id, isbn, title 1: 00186, 1935182994, EJB 3 in Action, Second Edition 2: 00350, 1617291420, iOS 7 in Action 3: 00358, 1617291560, Practical Data Science with R 4: 00324, 1617291021, Solr in Action 5: 00305, 1617290904, Play for Java ### page no 3 id, isbn, title 1: 00336, 1617291218, The Mikado Method 2: 00323, 1617291056, Kanban in Action 3: 00302, 1617290823, Mule in Action, Second Edition 4: 00341, 1617291307, Gradle in Action 5: 00291, 1617290491, HTML5 in Action ### page no 4 id, isbn, title 1: 00272, 1617290327, Ext JS in Action, Second Edition 2: 00365, 1617291374, Windows Phone 8 in Action 3: 00317, 1617290971, Learn Windows IIS in a Month of Lunches 4: 00301, 1617290394, Linked Data 5: 00306, 1617290920, Hello World! Second Edition batch_key: 2x7xAh2OteQAorX33uvpYBeGdIZ-2wlXBxTHH4BCypr3FkFASqHbMibqnO start_page_no: 1 has_prev: false has_next: true metrics: {"read_docs":1,"write_docs":1,"delete_docs":0,"runtime":372} for current batch: node demo.js 2x7xAh2OteQAorX33uvpYBeGdIZ-2wlXBxTHH4BCypr3FkFASqHbMibqnO for next batch: node demo.js 2x7xAh2OteQAorX33uvpYBeGdIZ-2wlXBxTHH4BCypr3FkFASqHbMibqnO NEXT
$ node interactive.js
cleanup items: 0 metrics: {"read_docs":1,"write_docs":0,"delete_docs":0,"runtime":484} ---------------------- batch no: 1 ---------------------- ### page no 1 id, pages, date, isbn, title 1: 00035, 350, 2012-02-13, 1935182080, Hello! Python 2: 00089, 300, 2012-02-13, 1933988754, SharePoint 2010 Site Owner's Manual 3: 00266, 325, 2012-02-24, 1933988770, C++ Concurrency in Action 4: 00200, 0, 2012-04-04, 1617290181, Machine Learning in Action 5: 00142, 0, 2012-04-11, 1935182498, MacRuby in Action ### page no 2 id, pages, date, isbn, title 1: 00064, 500, 2012-04-13, 193518296X, Spring Roo in Action 2: 00257, 0, 2012-04-20, 1935182978, RabbitMQ in Action 3: 00234, 0, 2012-04-30, 1617290114, PowerShell and WMI 4: 00244, 0, 2012-05-14, 1935182706, Scala in Depth 5: 00184, 450, 2012-05-25, 1617290416, ASP.NET MVC 4 in Action ### page no 3 id, pages, date, isbn, title 1: 00295, 0, 2012-05-30, 1617290610, Flex Mobile in Action 2: 00193, 925, 2012-06-01, 1617290319, Silverlight 5 in Action 3: 00009, 375, 2012-06-04, 1935182234, Griffon in Action 4: 00404, 0, 2012-07-10, 1617290068, The Well-Grounded Java Developer 5: 00204, 0, 2012-07-12, 1617290122, Activiti in Action ### page no 4 id, pages, date, isbn, title 1: 00065, 0, 2012-07-27, 1617290270, SOA Governance in Action 2: 00196, 0, 2012-08-21, 1617290092, Windows Phone 7 in Action 3: 00220, 250, 2012-09-12, 1933988266, SOA Patterns 4: 00311, 0, 2012-09-14, 1617290777, Programming the TI-83 Plus/TI-84 Plus 5: 00411, 400, 2012-09-19, 1935182439, Spring Integration in Actionbatch_key: 9SVCj9yVtNQz9XhHyAvmBLe96jA-2wlXBxTHOTwmCC5ZKspLzfl06Nkbo8 start_page_no: 1 has_prev: false has_next: true metrics: {"read_docs":1,"write_docs":1,"delete_docs":0,"runtime":382} *** preview result: {"total":78,"cached_count":78} metrics: {"read_docs":1,"write_docs":1,"delete_docs":0,"runtime":338} Q Quit C Redo current pages (default) P Show previous pages N Show next pages
$ node get-batch.js 9SVCj9yVtNQz9XhHyAvmBLe96jA 2
---------------------- batch no: 2 ---------------------- ### page no 5 id, pageCount, isbn, title 1: 00148, 450, 193518234X, Restlet in Action 2: 00293, 0, 1617290238, Hadoop in Practice 3: 00056, 325, 1935182897, Hello! HTML5 & CSS3 4: 00294, 0, 1617290521, HBase in Action 5: 00329, 0, 1617291080, Learn Windows PowerShell in a Month of Lunches, ... ### page no 6 id, pageCount, isbn, title 1: 00296, 0, 1617290432, HTML5 for .NET Developers 2: 00331, 0, 1617291161, Learn PowerShell Toolmaking in a Month of Lunches 3: 00212, 300, 193398869X, Secrets of the JavaScript Ninja 4: 00098, 0, 1617290262, Metaprogramming in .NET 5: 00106, 350, 193398838X, Taming Text ### page no 7 id, pageCount, isbn, title 1: 00307, 0, 1617290866, Dart in Action 2: 00247, 0, 1935182846, GWT in Action, Second Edition 3: 00125, 350, 1935182579, Effective Unit Testing 4: 00298, 0, 1617290556, PowerShell in Depth 5: 00276, 0, 1617290548, Third-Party JavaScript ### page no 8 id, pageCount, isbn, title 1: 00322, 0, 1617291048, OCA Java SE 7 Programmer I Certification Guide 2: 00209, 0, 1935182757, Scala in Action 3: 00262, 600, 1935182056, Spring in Practice 4: 00274, 300, 1617290246, Arduino in Action 5: 00297, 0, 1617290564, 50 Android Hacksbatch_key: 9SVCj9yVtNQz9XhHyAvmBLe96jA-2r7nSAPOpSKJWv8EpruMm9jAmJekWghiMSF8gs start_page_no: 5 has_prev: true has_next: true metrics: {"read_docs":1,"write_docs":1,"delete_docs":0,"runtime":511}
'use strict'; const config = { collection_name: 'books', // the collection name the pagination is running appendix: '_metadata', // appendix for the collection name that store cached results default_sort_field: 'id', // will be used if no order-by is provided in the filter default_sort_order: 'asc', max_sorted_fields: 1, // more than 1 will need to setup composite index ahead page_size: 5, // items per page batch_size: 4, // pages per batch cache_version: 1, // cache version cache_preview: true, // cache the result of preview cache_pages: true, // cache batch pages max_pre_cached_batches: 3, // pre cache batch pages during preview preview_cache_ttl: 3600 * 2, // time to live for preview cache page_cache_ttl: 1800, // time to live for batch pages cache cleanup_timeout: 3600 * 4, // when to clean up caches max_docs_limit: 100, // if more than max_docs_limit, it shows the total as > max_docs_limit max_cached_ids: 80, // the max ids will be cached during preview promises_size: 256, // promises size read_multiply: 2, // when we have nodb filers, control how many additional docs to read } module.exports = config;