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SublimeREPL for SublimeText2


  • Run your favorite interpreter [python, ruby, lua, prolog :)] or Telnet session to an external tool (MozRepl) inside a Sublime buffer.
  • Use ALT+P & ALT+N (Ctrl+P & Ctrl+N on OSX) to access command history.


{{|Windows MozRepl}} {{|Debian launch python}} {{|Debian send SIGNAL}} {{|OSX Python}}

License and Price

I'm happy to release SublimeREPL's code under a permissive BSD License.

However, if SublimeREPL helps you earn money, you should feel morally obligated to **Donate**. Pick whatever price you think is right.


SublimeREPL is developed against the latest SublimeText2 development build (2112) on Windows 7 x64. It is also periodically tested on OSX 10.6.8 and Debian 6.0.2.


Drop SublimeREPL into your Packages directory and you're set.


Several REPLs are available in Tools | SublimeREPL menu. Those can be configured in Packages\SublimeREPL\Main.sublime-menu.

If you wish to have more control over the launched process/telnet session use *repl_open* command. For example:

Subprocess REPL for Python

{{{ {"command": "repl_open", "caption": "Python", "mnemonic": "p", "args": { "type": "subprocess", "encoding": "utf8", "cmd": ["python", "-i"], "cwd": "$file_path", "syntax": "Packages/Python/Python.tmLanguage", "external_id": "python" } } }}}

Telnet REPL for MozRepl

{"command": "repl_open", 
                 "caption": "MozRepl",
                 "mnemonic": "m",
                 "args": {
                    "type": "telnet",
                    "encoding": "utf8",
                    "port": 4242,
                    "syntax": "Packages/JavaScript/JavaScript.tmLanguage"

Common REPL attributes:

  • type (mandatory): type of repl that will be spawned, "telnet" or "subprocess"
  • encoding (mandatory): what encoding will the spawned REPL use
  • cmd_postfix (optional, default: "\n"): command is evaluated when you press enter at the end of a buffer, cmd_postfix allows you to automatically append some kind of postfix before it happens. For example use ";\n " to end each line with a semicolon.
  • syntax (optional): syntax file to use for a newly created sublime view
  • external_id (optional): allows you to specify a string that will allow you to get a handle for spawned REPL later

Subprocess REPL attributes:

  • cmd (mandatory): command to spawn, see subprocess module documentation for details
  • env (optional): dictionary defining the environment variables for the spawned process,
  • cwd (optional): working directory for a spawned process
  • extend_env (optional): environment variables that will be appended to the env inherited from the current process

Telnet REPL attributes:

  • host (mandatory):
  • port (mandatory):


1. Is this a terminal emulator?


2. I tried to launch an interpreter for [my-favorite-language], but it didn't work.

Because SublimeREPL does not emulate a terminal environment some (all?) interpreters spawn in non-interactive mode by default. You should force your interpreter to launch in a interactive mode using a command flag (usually "-i").


SublimeREPL for SublimeText2







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  • Python 98.5%
  • JavaScript 1.5%