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After creating a local fork (step 3 above), follow these steps to configure CouchDB CouchDB is the server side database which data from the frontend will sync from and to. CouchDB is required to login to HospitalRun. You could install and run CouchDB in any way you wish. For convienence, we have added a docker compose file in the root of this project to launch CouchDB. Below are the steps:
Start Docker. Install it if you don't have it yet.
Install Docker Compose if you don't have it yet.
In the root directory run ./couchdb/couchdb-init.bat on Windows or ./couchdb/couchdb-init.sh on UNIX like systems. This should launch a new CouchDB instance on http://localhost:5984, create system database, configure CouchDB as Single Node, enable CORS, create hospitalrun database, create a default admin with a username of admin and password of 'password', create a sample user with a username of username and password of 'password' to use new login page #2137. Go to http://localhost:5984/_utils in your browser to view Fauxton and perform administrative tasks. Cleanup To delete the development database, go to the root of the project and run ./couchdb/couchdb-cleanup.bat on Windows or ./couchdb/couchdb-cleanup.sh on UNIX like systems.
Install dependencies & start the application
Install dependencies: npm install
Configure REACT_APP_HOSPITALRUN_API=http://localhost:5984 environment variable in .env
Run the applicatiochagesn npm start
Start the application npm install npm run start Open a file named .env and add a line REACT_APP_HOSPITALRUN_API=http://localhost:5984 if you don't have it yet. Note: To delete the development database, go to the root of the project and run docker-compose down -v --rmi all --remove-orphans If your branch's packages changed, reinstall the packages before starting the application: rm -fr node_modules rm yarn.lock (if you used yarn before) rm package-lock.json npm install npm run start Note: We no longer support the use of yarn.
Before pushing your changes, check locally that your branch passes CI checks
We use Jest + React Testing Library for Behavior-Driven Development Tests npm run test:ci will run the entire test suite npm run test:ci e.g. npm run test:ci src/tests/HospitalRun.test.tsx will run that specific test file npm run test will run the test suite in watch mode
We use ESLint for static program analysis npm run lint will run the linter npm run lint:fix will run the linter and fix fixable errors
Released under the MIT license.