Using the d3.csv(), d3.csvParse() and d3.csvFormat() functions to get data from a CSV file in the form of array of objects where :
- Array elem = x axis = row = item
- Object prop = y axis = column = attribute
export const fetchData = async() => {
const csvUrl = ""
**// Using d3.csvParse()**
// const unparsedData = await fetch(csvUrl)
// const text = await unparsedData.text()
// const data = d3.csvParse(text)
// console.log(data)
**// Using d3.csv()**
// This function is simply passed to d3.csv() as a **callback specifying what parts of each received result (usually JS objects) do we wanna edit, extract**
const row = (d) => {
d.Population = +d['2020']
return d
const fullData = await d3.csv(csvUrl, row)
const data = fullData.slice(0,10)
// const data = await d3.csv(csvUrl)
const text = d3.csvFormat(data)
// console.log(dataDirect)
// console.log(data)
return data;
Basically, we use from d3, the :
scaleLinear = ticks = X
scaleBand = domain = Y
Here, xScale, yScale and innerHeight are defined as
Logic for margin = cut off margins from a stipulated width and then transform translate the box inside the main component
const [height, setHeight] = useState(0)
const [width, setWidth] = useState(0)
const margin = {top:40, left:300, right:40, bottom:100}
const innerWidth = width - margin.left - margin.right
const innerHeight = height - - margin.bottom
const xVal = d => d.Population
const yVal = d => d.Country
// Mapped over dataset instead of providing number range as y-values are country names which have a categorical and not a discretely ordered form
const yScale = scaleBand()
// max function of d3 will take into account each mapping of the data and passed it to the xVal function
const xScale = scaleLinear()
.domain([0, max(data,xVal)])
.range([0, innerWidth])
const xAxisLabelOffset = 80
const siFormat = format(".2s");
const tickFormat = tickFormat => siFormat(tickFormat).replace('G','B')
export const AxisTop = ({xScale, innerHeight, tickFormat}) => (
// Here, translate sets up the x1 and y1 values
<g className="tick" transform={`translate(${xScale(tickValue)},0) `} >
<line y2={innerHeight} />
export const AxisBottom = ({yScale}) => (
<g className="tick">
style={{textAnchor: 'end'}}
y={yScale(tickValue) + yScale.bandwidth()/2}
A small optimization tweak on the dataviz to show the intensity of a mark by using its size as a metric
Here, the size of the circle mark is set on the fact that how populous a place is.
This is the inside the ConfigContext.js file for this viz
// Using size to depict population
config.maxRadius = 20
config.sizeValue = d => d.population
config.sizeScale = scaleSqrt()
.domain([0, max(data.cities, config.sizeValue)])
.range([0, config.maxRadius])
Integrating 3 things :
- fetched data
- marks
- axes
import {useState, useEffect} from 'react'
import {scaleLinear, scaleBand, max, format} from 'd3'
import {AxisTop} from '@components/AxisTop'
import {AxisBottom} from '@components/AxisBottom'
import {Marks} from '@components/Marks'
import {fetchData} from '@helpers/fetchData'
export default function Home({data}) {
const [height, setHeight] = useState(0)
const [width, setWidth] = useState(0)
const margin = {top:40, left:300, right:40, bottom:100}
const innerWidth = width - margin.left - margin.right
const innerHeight = height - - margin.bottom
const xVal = d => d.Population
const yVal = d => d.Country
const yScale = scaleBand()
const xScale = scaleLinear()
.domain([0, max(data,xVal)])
.range([0, innerWidth])
const xAxisLabelOffset = 80
const siFormat = format(".2s");
const tickFormat = tickFormat => siFormat(tickFormat).replace('G','B')
// Rendering chart
return (
<svg width={width} height={height}>
<g transform={`translate(${margin.left},${})`} >
<AxisTop xScale={xScale} innerHeight={innerHeight} tickFormat={tickFormat} />
<AxisBottom yScale={yScale}/>
<Marks data={data} xScale={xScale} yScale={yScale} xVal={xVal} yVal={yVal} />
x={innerWidth / 2}
y={innerHeight + xAxisLabelOffset}
// Fetching data
export const getStaticProps = async () => {
const data = await fetchData()
return {
This file simply contains all direct numerical configurations
// MARGIN export const MARGIN = { top: 60, left: 100, bottom: 150, right: 300, } // LABELS export const X_AXIS_LABEL_OFFSET = 120 export const Y_AXIS_LABEL_OFFSET = 40 // MARKS export const RADIUS_CIRCLE = 12 // TICKS export const X_AXIS_TICK_OFFSET = 8 export const Y_AXIS_TICK_OFFSET = 8 // LEGEND export const COLOR_ARRAY = ['#E6842A', '#137B80', '#8E6C8A'] export const TICK_SPACING = 32 export const TICK_TEXT_OFFSET = 20 export const LEGEND_X_OFFSET = 130 export const LEGEND_Y_OFFSET = 250 // INTERACTIVITY export const FADE_OPACITY = 0.2
This file is the Context for the entire plot and exposes a hook to use the context as well
import React, { useState, useEffect, useContext } from 'react' // import fetchData from '@helpers/fetchData' import {scaleLinear, max, extent, scaleOrdinal} from 'd3' import {useData} from '@hooks/useData' import { attributes } from '@helpers/attributes' import { MARGIN, X_AXIS_LABEL_OFFSET, Y_AXIS_LABEL_OFFSET, RADIUS_CIRCLE, X_AXIS_TICK_OFFSET, Y_AXIS_TICK_OFFSET, COLOR_ARRAY, TICK_TEXT_OFFSET, TICK_SPACING, LEGEND_X_OFFSET, LEGEND_Y_OFFSET, FADE_OPACITY } from '@helpers/configValues' const ConfigContext = React.createContext() export const useConfig = () => useContext(ConfigContext) const ConfigProvider = ({ children }) => { const config = {} const [data, setData] = useState([]) const [height, setHeight] = useState(0) const [width, setWidth] = useState(0) //* FOR HOVER INTERACTIVITY OF MARKS const [hoveredValue, setHoveredValue] = useState(null) config.hoveredValue = hoveredValue config.setHoveredValue = setHoveredValue useEffect( () => { (async () => { const temp = await useData() setData(temp) setHeight(window.innerHeight) setWidth(window.innerWidth) })() // console.log(data) }, []) config.margin = MARGIN // console.log(data) = data // console.log( //* ATTRIBUTES const currentX = attributes[0] const currentY = attributes[1] config.currentX = currentX config.currentY = currentY const [xAttribute, setXAttribute] = useState(currentX) const [yAttribute, setYAttribute] = useState(currentY) config.setXAttribute = setXAttribute config.setYAttribute = setYAttribute config.attributes = attributes config.xVal = d => d[xAttribute.value] config.yVal = d => d[yAttribute.value] config.colorVal = d => d.species //* FOR DATA INTERACTIVITY ON HOVER config.filteredData = data.filter(d => hoveredValue === config.colorVal(d)) // console.log(config.xVal) //* HEIGHTS AND WIDTHS config.height = height config.width = width config.innerWidth = width - config.margin.left - config.margin.right config.innerHeight = height - - config.margin.bottom //* SCALES config.xScale = scaleLinear() // .domain(extent(data, config.xVal)) .domain(extent(data,config.xVal)) .range([0,config.innerWidth]) .nice() config.yScale = scaleLinear() // .domain(extent(data, config.yVal)) .domain([0,max(data,config.yVal)]) .range([config.innerHeight, 0]) config.colorScale = scaleOrdinal() .domain( .range(COLOR_ARRAY) //* TICKS AND TOOLTIPS config.xAxisTickOffset = X_AXIS_TICK_OFFSET config.yAxisTickOffset = Y_AXIS_TICK_OFFSET config.tooltipFormat = d => d config.xAxisTickFormat = d => d config.yAxisTickFormat = d => d //* LABELS config.xAxisLabel = xAttribute.label config.yAxisLabel = yAttribute.label config.xAxisLabelOffset = X_AXIS_LABEL_OFFSET config.yAxisLabelOffset = Y_AXIS_LABEL_OFFSET //* MARKS config.radiusCircle = RADIUS_CIRCLE //* LEGEND config.legendXOffset = LEGEND_X_OFFSET config.legendYOffset = LEGEND_Y_OFFSET config.tickSpacing = TICK_SPACING config.tickTextOffset = TICK_TEXT_OFFSET //* INTERACTIVITY config.fadeOpacity = FADE_OPACITY return ( <ConfigContext.Provider value={config} > {children} </ConfigContext.Provider> ) } export default ConfigProvider
Be sure to wrap the provider around the components in the root file
After all this, your App file becomes this simple
import AxesLabels from '@components/AxesLabels' import MarksAndAxes from '@components/MarksAndAxes' import ControlPanel from '@components/ControlPanel' import Legend from '@components/Legend' const Home = () => { const config = useConfig() const { height, width, } = config return ( <> <ControlPanel/> <svg height={height} width={width} > <Legend/> <MarksAndAxes/> <AxesLabels/> </svg> </> ) }
Say now we wish to deal with ControlPanel to change X and Y coordinates
import React from 'react' //? REACT DROPDOWN import Dropdown from 'react-dropdown' import 'react-dropdown/style.css'; import {useConfig} from '@contexts/ConfigContext' //? USING CUSTOM BUILD DROPDOWN // import {Dropdown} from '@components/Dropdown' const ControlPanel = () => { const config = useConfig() const { attributes, setXAttribute, setYAttribute, currentX, currentY } = config const defaultOptionX = currentX; const defaultOptionY = currentY; return ( <div className="c-panel" > {/*<Dropdown attributes={attributes} setAttribute={setXAttribute} /> <Dropdown attributes={attributes} setAttribute={setYAttribute} />*/} <Dropdown options={attributes} onChange={(attribute)=> setXAttribute(attribute) } value={defaultOptionX} placeholder="Select X" /> <Dropdown options={attributes} onChange={(attribute)=> setYAttribute(attribute) } value={defaultOptionY} placeholder="Select Y" /> {/* <ColorLegend data={data} colorScale={colorScale} colorVal={colorVal} />*/} </div> ) } export default ControlPanel
Basically, here, I have aggregated the total number of dead people by month and set the yScale to have the total deaths sum as the marks
New d3 functions used here are bin(earlier known as histogram)
import {bin, scaleLinear, max, timeMonths, sum} from 'd3'
const [start, stop] = xScale.domain()
// Binned data simpy takes all the cases of people dying between start and end date and groups each such case as an object, into a collective array which contains => x no. of case objects, start date, end data
// So basically, if say we have 48 months, binned data is an array of 48 arrays where each of the 48 arrays has 3 things :
// 1. Start date (eg : Jan 1st)
// 2. End data (eg : Feb 1st, cause we are binning by month)
// 3. Individual case objects
// **binnedData = [**
// **[**
// **x0 = .....** -> start date of bin
// **x1 = .....** -> end date (i.e. start date + 1 month) of bin
// **{**
// **totalDead = .....**
// **{...someOtherCaseRelatedInfo(eg : geo-coordinates)}**
// **}** -> a case object
// **{},{}** -> more case objects
// **]** -> a month array
// **]**
const binnedData = bin()
.thresholds(timeMonths(start, stop))
// Summed binned data just looks into the binned data array's case objects, extracts the number of deaths that occured on each timestamp and sums it up as a single number to use as our y coordinate
// Also, we rawly extract the start (x0) and end (x1) from each of the month array
// Eg, we have 48 months' binnedData
// summedBinnedData will be an array of 48 object where each object will have 3 things :
// 1. Start date (eg : Jan 1st)
// 2. End date (eg : Feb 1st, cause in binnedData, we were binning by month)
// 3. y = just a sum obtained by extracting the number of deaths from each case object and summing this metric across all case objects in a month array
// **summedBinnedData = [
// {
// x0 = ...** -> start date of bin (eg : Jan 1st)
**// x1 = ....** -> end date of bin (eg : Feb 1st (start date + 1 month ))
**// y = ....** -> sum of deaths in a month (eg : between Jan 1st and Feb 1st)
// **}
// ]**
const summedBinnedData = binnedData
.map(array => ({
y: sum(array, yVal),
x0: array.x0,
// Gotta redefine yScale based on sums calculated in binnedData
const yScale = scaleLinear()
.domain([0, max(summedBinnedData, d => d.y)])
Just gotta set height and width based on updated yscale
export default function Marks({
return (
<g className="marks" >
{,i) => (
<g key={i} className="mark">
width={xScale(dataPoint.x1) - xScale(dataPoint.x0)}
<title>{tooltipFormat(dataPoint.y)} </title>
) )}
d3 ⇒ feature and mesh functions are used
- feature ⇒ function used to convert part topoJSON (less file size) data we obtained into corresponding geoJSON (for SVG rendering, large file size)
- mesh ⇒ to generate latitude - longitude mesh
Fetching data in topoJSON format and then converting it into geoJSON for SVGs to render
import * as d3 from 'd3'
import {feature, mesh} from 'topojson'
export const fetchData = async () =>
const jsonUrl = "[email protected]/countries-50m.json"
const topojsonData = await d3.json(jsonUrl)
const { countries } = topojsonData.objects
return ({
countries : feature(topojsonData, countries),
interiors : mesh(topojsonData, countries, (a,xb)=> a!==b)
d3 modules for generating graticule, projection and background sphere were used
- geoEqualEarth, geoNaturalEarth1 ⇒ Both are simply views of the global map based off of which a projection is made
- geoPath ⇒ Used to draw that background sphere on which projection is applied
- geoGraticule ⇒ Simply to generate latitude-longitude grid
import {geoEqualEarth, geoNaturalEarth1, geoPath, geoGraticule } from 'd3'
// const projection = geoEqualEarth()
const projection = geoNaturalEarth1()
const path = geoPath(projection)
const graticule = geoGraticule()
export default function Marks({countries, interiors})
// console.log(countries)
return (
<g className="marks" >
<path className="sphere" d={path({type:'Sphere'})}/>
<path className="graticules" d={path(graticule())} />
{ => (
<path className="feature" d = {path(feature)}/>
{/*<path className="interior" d={path(interiors)}/>*/}
Just a view of the main app root file
import Head from 'next/head'
import styles from '../styles/Home.module.css'
import {fetchData} from '@helpers/fetchData'
import { useState, useEffect } from 'react'
// Importing the components
import Marks from '@components/Marks'
export default function Home({countries, interiors}) {
const [height, setHeight] = useState(0)
const [width, setWidth] = useState(0)
useEffect(() =>
}, [])
const margin = {
top: 60,
left: 140,
right: 80,
// console.log(countries)
return (
<svg height={height} width={width} >
countries={countries} interiors={interiors}
export const getStaticProps = async () =>
const { countries, interiors } = await fetchData()
console.log(countries, interiors)
return {
props:{countries, interiors}
Creating a color legend. For stuff you don't understand is getting imported, just read the "Configuration Context" part once again
import React from 'react'
import {useConfig} from '@contexts/ConfigContext'
export const ColorLegend = () =>
const config = useConfig()
const {
} = config
//? My approach
// const allSpecies = (
// const uniqueSpecies = allSpecies.filter((v, i, a) => a.indexOf(v) === i);
// const allColors = => colorScale(colorVal(d)))
// const uniqueColors = allColors.filter((v, i, a) => a.indexOf(v) === i)
// //! Alternatively, could have used the domain on the color scale for unique values
// // const uniqueSpecies = colorScale.domain()
// // const uniqueColors = = colorScale(domainValue) )
// return (
// <>
// <h3>Legend => </h3>
// <ul className="legend" >
// {, i) => (
// <li className="legend-item">
// <div className="color-legend-div" style={{ background:`${uniqueColors[i]}` }} />
// <span className="legend-text">{species}</span>
// </li>
// ))}
// </ul>
// </>
// )
//? Teacher's approach
return colorScale.domain().map((domainValue,i) => (
className="legend-item-alternate interactivity"
transform={`translate(0,${i * tickSpacing})`}
opacity={hoveredValue && domainValue !== hoveredValue ? fadeOpacity : 1}
onMouseEnter={() =>setHoveredValue(domainValue)}
<text style={{cursor:"default"}} transform={`translate(${tickTextOffset},5)`} >
Simply access the setXAttribute or setYAttribute from "Configuration Context" and you have 2 options now :
Build a custom Dropdown component to refilter the data being fetched
import React from 'react' export const Dropdown = ({attributes, setAttribute}) => { return ( <> <label htmlFor='x-select'/> <select id="x-select" onChange={(e) => {setAttribute( attributes.find(attribute => ( attribute.value === )) ) }} > {{ label, value }) => ( <option value={value}>{label}</option> ))} </select> </> ) }
Use 'react-dropdown' library to refilter the data being fetched
import React from 'react' //? REACT DROPDOWN import Dropdown from 'react-dropdown' import 'react-dropdown/style.css'; import {useConfig} from '@contexts/ConfigContext' //? USING CUSTOM BUILD DROPDOWN // import {Dropdown} from '@components/Dropdown' const ControlPanel = () => { const config = useConfig() const { attributes, setXAttribute, setYAttribute, currentX, currentY } = config const defaultOptionX = currentX; const defaultOptionY = currentY; return ( <div className="c-panel" > {/*<Dropdown attributes={attributes} setAttribute={setXAttribute} /> <Dropdown attributes={attributes} setAttribute={setYAttribute} />*/} <Dropdown options={attributes} onChange={(attribute)=> setXAttribute(attribute) } value={defaultOptionX} placeholder="Select X" /> <Dropdown options={attributes} onChange={(attribute)=> setYAttribute(attribute) } value={defaultOptionY} placeholder="Select Y" /> {/* <ColorLegend data={data} colorScale={colorScale} colorVal={colorVal} />*/} </div> ) } export default ControlPanel
Arc can be created in 2 ways :
- Specifying the d property on a path inside an SVG element
- Use d3.arc( ) to handle the start/end angle of the arc
This will be used in the d property of the path
export default function Home ({data,text})
console.log(`${text.length / 1024} kB`)
console.log(`${data.length} rows`)
const [width, setWidth] = useState(0);
const [height, setHeight] = useState(0);
useEffect(() => {
const pieArc = d3.arc()
const colorPie = d3.pie().value(1)
return (
<div className={styles.container}>
<svg width={width} height={height}>
<g transform={`translate(${width/2}, ${height/2})`} >
// Using d3.pie()
{colorPie(data).map(d => (
// Standard approach
{/*, i) => (
startAngle: (i/data.length)*2*Math.PI,
endAngle: ((i+1)/data.length)*2*Math.PI
export const getStaticProps = async() =>
const csvUrl = ""
//? M1 => Using d3.csvParse() function
// const unParsedata = await fetch(csvUrl)
// const text = await unParsedata.text()
// const data = d3.csvParse(text)
//? M2 => Using d3.csv()
const data = await d3.csv(csvUrl)
const text = d3.csvFormat(data)
return {
props: {data, text}