fpaste is a command-line front-end for the Fedora Pastebin service at paste.fedoraproject.org. It allows easy uploading of multiple files, or of copy&pasted text from stdin, without requiring a web browser. A unique fpaste link is returned, which can then be given to others who are offering help.
[joeuser@localhost ~]$ fpaste /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
The source code is hosted at https://pagure.io/fpaste where primary development will occur. Please file issues here. A mirror is also maintained at https://github.com/sanjayankur31/fpaste where you can open pull requests.
- PRIMARY: users don't like being flooded with large amounts of text, and encourage the use of pastebin sites & utilities instead.
- A GUI browser like firefox might be inaccessible.
- A TUI browser like lynx might be too cumbersome.
- Multiple files can be fpasted.
- It's often faster & more convenient to use the cli than to copy/paste in a browser's textarea.
- Why not?
fpaste maintainers:
- Jason 'zcat' Farrell <farrellj AT gmail DOT com>
- Ankur Sinha 'FranciscoD' <ankursinha AT fedoraproject DOT org>
Server-side paste.fedoraproject.org maintainers:
fpaste.org maintainers:
- Jonathan 'daMaestro' Steffan <jon AT fedoraunity DOT org>
Mr. FUPT - http://fedorasolved.org/Members/khaytsus/fedora-unity-paste-tool
- Walter 'Khaytsus' Francis <wally AT theblackmoor DOT net>
Inspiration from ye olde bash script. R.I.P. rafb.net/paste
- Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams <ivazqueznet AT gmail DOT com>