tplmap Public
Forked from epinna/tplmapServer-Side Template Injection and Code Injection Detection and Exploitation Tool
Python GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedAug 31, 2023 -
hoaxshell Public
Forked from t3l3machus/hoaxshellAn unconventional Windows reverse shell, currently undetected by Microsoft Defender and various other AV solutions, solely based on http(s) traffic.
Python BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License UpdatedOct 9, 2022 -
MNS-System Public
Third party monitoring system capable of protecting a process from being debugged. Follows similar principles to that of anti-cheats in online gaming
slate Public
Forked from remarkety/slateBeautiful static documentation for your API
JavaScript Other UpdatedApr 18, 2018 -
PracticalMalwareAnalysis-Labs Public
Forked from mikesiko/PracticalMalwareAnalysis-LabsBinaries for the book Practical Malware Analysis
UpdatedApr 26, 2017