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seismological methods utilizing receiver functions in python


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seismological methods utilizing receiver functions in python3

Contributors: Sanne Cottaar, Jennifer Jenkins, Stephen Pugh, Alistair Boyce, Matthew Kemp, Annemijn van Stiphout, Simon Thomas, Kieran Gilmore, Matt Harding, Sophia Baker and others

README last updated by: S. Pugh, 18/08/22

--------------------------- OUTLINE -----------------------------------

  1. Processing_Scripts --> Data download, pre-processing, RF calculation, post-processing (inc. quality control)
  2. Migration_Scripts --> Calculate RF pierce points, 1D & 3D time-to-depth conversion
  3. Stacking_Scripts --> Epicentral distance, depth, slowness, common-conversion-point stacking
  4. Plotting_Scripts --> Plot Pierce points, CCP stack volumes (weights, Maps, XC etc)
  5. Tools --> Misc tools (inc velocity models)
  6. South_Africa_Data --> Test dataset from XA network in Southern Africa

----------------------------- HELP ------------------------------------

For help with a script, use the command line argument 'help'. E.g. >> python3 help

Invalid use of a script will also return the help information

----------------------------- CITATION --------------------------------

If you use (part of) this code for your research, please cite: DOI

Also consider citing one of these papers:
• Pugh, S., J. Jenkins, A. Boyce, and S. Cottaar (2021) Global receiver function observations of the X-discontinuity reveal recycled basalt beneath hotspots, Earth and Planetary Science Letters
• Boyce, A., and S. Cottaar (2021) Insights into Deep Mantle Thermochemical Contributions to African Magmatism from Converted Seismic Phases, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems

Earlier papers using SMURFPy are:
• Kemp., M., Jenkins, J., Maclennan, J. and Cottaar, S., 2019. X-discontinuity and transition zone structure beneath Hawaii suggests a heterogeneous plume. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 527, p.115781.
• Van Stiphout., A.M., Cottaar, S. and Deuss, A., 2019. Receiver function mapping of mantle transition zone discontinuities beneath Alaska using scaled 3-D velocity corrections. Geophysical Journal International, 219(2), pp.1432-1446.
• Cottaar, S. and Deuss, A., 2016, Large-scale mantle discontinuity topography beneath Europe: signature of akimotoite in subducting slabs, Journal of Geophysical Research, 121, 279-292

--------------------------- Processing SCRIPTS ----------------------------------

• Description: select and download appropriate events and stations based on user inputs
• Inputs: search area lat/lon, start and end times (in function), epicentral dist of ev/station, event magnitude range, trace length, data filter band, station networks to search, dataclient
• Outputs: python stream objects in PICKLE format with a dictionary of header info for each event. Saves to ../Data/NT.STA/Originals/
• Usage: >> python3

• Description: Preprocessing for RF calculation: merges truncations, trims, donsamples, rotates components Z-R-T, renames based on BAZ and EPI-DIST.
• Inputs: Data directory (usually ../Data/)
• Outputs: python stream objects in PICKLE format with a dictionary of header info for each event in a new folder leaving a copy of the unprocessed original data for future use
• Usage: >> python3

• Description: compute predicted travel-times for user defined phases based on TauP, predicted times are added to waveform header information (python dictionary)
• Inputs: Data directory (usually ../Data/), 1D velocity model, phases to compute TTs for
• Outputs: Overwrites files from above with new dictionary (seis[0].stats.traveltimes)
• Usage: >> python3 P S P660s P410s

• Description: [OPTIONAL] plot Z-R-T seismogram components with predicted arrival times after initial processing, before RF creation
• Inputs: Data directory (usually ../Data/), station directory
• Outputs: On-screen plotting
• Usage: >> python3

• Description: Various RF algorithms: water level deconvolution, multitaper, iterative deconvolution
• Usage: called below

• Description:
• Inputs: Data directory (usually ../Data/), horizontal component (usually radial), filter band, decon algorithm (usually iterative decon - default)
• Outputs: Adds computed RF to pre-existing PICKLE waveform file
• Usage: >> python3 jgf1

• Description: Removes low quality ones based on set criteria:
1. Minimum percentage of radial compoment to be fit (after reconvolving the RF with the vertical component (fitmin)
2. Peak amplitude max threshold before main P-wave arrival (noisebefore)
3. Peak amplitude max threshold after main P-wave arrival (noiseafter)
4. Peak amplitude min threshold after main P-wave arrival (minamp)
• Inputs: Data directory (usually ../Data/), horizontal component (usually radial), filter band, SNR calculation type, fitmin, noisebefore, noiseafter, minamp
• Outputs: Two ".dat" files specific to the chosen filter band recording the good RF files and the good RF file SNR ratios (V & R components)
• Usage: >> python3 jgf1

• Description: [OPTIONAL] Plots the perstation distribution of "Acceptable - Green" and "Removed - red" events as a funciton of EQ magnitude and epicentral distance.
• Inputs: Data directory (usually ../Data/)
• Outputs: On-screen plotting
• Usage: >> python3 jgf1

• Description: [OPTIONAL] Plots V,R,RF as a function of time and epicentral distance.
• Inputs: Data directory (usually ../Data/), horizontal component (usually radial), filter band
• Outputs: On-screen plotting
• Usage: python3 jgf1

--------------------------- MIGRATION SCRIPTS -----------------------------------

• Description: Calculate converted phase pierce points at discontinuity depths
• Inputs: Depth of piercepoints, Phase, filter band, 1D velocity model
• Outputs: Adds PP for given phase and discont depth to each Pickle file, prints to file PP_'DEPTH'km_'PHASE'_'FILTER'.txt'
• Usage: python3 410 P410s jgf1

• Description: Convert RF from time to depth using 1D model (coded for Prem)
• Inputs: Filter band, 1D velocity model
• Outputs: Adds dictionary seis[0].conversions[''] to each Pickle file
• Usage: python3 jgf1

• [OPTIONAL] As above but based on ak135 depths, converts RF from time to depth using 3D model and appropriate crustal model
• 3D model example is AFRP20 (Boyce et al., 2021 Gcubed)
• Also accounts for 3D crustal model (See Boyce et al., 2020 supplementary material) and station elevations.
• Usage: python3 jgf1

---------------------------STACKING SCRIPTS -----------------------------------

• Description: Stacks the RFs in bins of epicentral distance to show the most prominent features
• Inputs: bin_size, smoothing, lon/lat box, epi_dist_limits, filter band
• Outputs: Epicentral distance stack plot
• Usage: python3 5 False -179 179 -89 89 30 90 jgf1

• Description: Stacks all the RFs within the bounds for the depth stated producing one trace.
• Inputs: conversion, lon/lat box, filter band
• Outputs: Depth stack pickle file and pdf/png
• Usage: python3 prem -179 179 -89 89 jgf1

• Description: Plot of slowness against time, using a specfic epicentral reference distance.
• Inputs: lon/lat box, filter band
• Outputs: Slowness stack pickle file and pdf/png
• Usage: python3 -179 179 -89 89 jgf1

• [OPTIONAL] Description: Combines previously calculated depth and slowness stack in one figure.
• Inputs: Depth and slowness stack pickle files
• Outputs: Combined depth and slowness stack image pdf/png
• Usage: python3 prem -179 179 -89 89 jgf1 339

• Description: Common conversion point stacking routines (see Cottaar and Deuss, 2016). Calculates weighting factor based on Lekic et al., (2011, Science) based on distance and fresnel zone at given depth
• Inputs: see below
• Outputs: Common conversion point stack, weights, errors
• Usage: see below

• Description: wrapper for the function contained within
• Inputs: Name, conversion, lon/lat box, filter band, smoothing factor, newstack
• Outputs: Common conversion point stack volume (PICKLE)
• Usage: python3 CCP_Global prem -179.0 179.0 -89.0 89.0 jgf1 2.0 True

%%%%%%%%%%%% Parallel processing of CCP stack %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% BETA VERSION %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

• [OPTIONAL] Scripts as above but a beta version coded in Parallel. Also specify num. cores.
• Computes CCP-subvolume for each RF in each station (specify max cores) and sums to master volume.

--------------------------- Plotting SCRIPTS ------------------------------------

• Description: Plots discontinuity depth pierce points
• Inputs: discontinuity depth, converted phase
• Outputs: matplotlib plot
• Usage: python3 410 P410s jgf1

• Description: Routines for various CCP stack plot types (discontinuity depth/sampling maps, cross sections, moveout)
• Inputs: see below
• Outputs: Various matplotlib plot windows.
• Usage: see below

• Description: Wrapper for the function contained within
• Inputs: name, conversion, filter band, smoothing factor, mincoverage, plot_type, plot_params
• Outputs: Various matplotlib plot windows.
• Usage: python3 CCP_Global prem jgf1 2.0 2.0 COV 410

---------------------- Tools ----------------------------------


Various models used for 1D and 3D depth stacking examples


• Description: Script used to plot 3D tomographic model of Boyce et al., 2020 in 3D time to depth conversion example
• Inputs: Plot type, various model parameters
• Outputs: Pdf tomogrpahic model plot
• Usage: python3


Multiple reference travel-time files used in slowness stacking.


Phase moveout files used in epicentral distance stacking.

------------------------------ 3D Velocity Models -------------------------------

3D velocity models are recommended for time-to-depth conversion though they aren't provided here due to their non-standard formats and considerations about inversion set-up specific to each model. For examples of currently working models see Boyce et al. (2021) and Pugh et al. (2021), or contact the authors for assistance.

---------------------- South_Africa_Data ----------------------------------

Test data set for 45 stations in the XA network (doi:10.7914/SN/XA_1997)
This data is unprocessed.
To use, copy directory to a new directory called "Data"
Then proceed from script Processing_Scripts/

---------------------- List of Python package versions ------------------------- ---------------------------- Most recently checked ------------------------------

For a comparison of your current python modules to a checked working verison see:


--- Checked system package versions ---

python 3.8.8 (default, Apr 13 2021, 12:59:45) Clang 10.0.0

geographiclib 1.52 matplotlib 3.3.4 numpy 1.20.1 obspy 1.2.2 scipy 1.6.2 shapely 1.7.1

---------------------------------- References -----------------------------------

Boyce, A. and Bastow, I. D. and Cottaar, S. and Kounoudis, R. and Guilloud De Courbeville, J. and Caunt, E. and Desai, S. (2020: Manuscript under review at Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems) AFRP20: New P-wavespeed Model for the African Mantle Reveals Two Whole-Mantle Plumes Below East Africa and Neoproterozoic Modification of the Tanzania Craton

Lekic, V., French, S. W., & Fischer, K. M. (2011). Lithospheric Thinning Beneath Rifted Regions of Southern California. Science, 334 (6057), 783–787. doi:10.1126/science.1208898


seismological methods utilizing receiver functions in python







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