This is an experimental version of SoftBoundCETS for LLVM-3.9. It is not yet ready for any serious use.
For more technical details and algorithms, visit SoftBoundCETS website at
Download the github repository from
Build SoftBoundCETS-3.9
Goto to directory SoftBoundCETS-3.9 by executing the following command
cd SoftBoundCETS-3.9
mkdir build cd build
Configure LLVM, clang and softboundcets with the following command
cmake ../llvm-3.9/
make -j8
Set up your environment to use SoftBoundCETS
For example in bash, it would be
export PATH=<git_repo>/SoftBoundCETS-3.9/build/bin:$PATH
Compile the SoftBoundCETS runtime library
cd <git_repo> cd runtime make
Test whether it all worked
cd tests clang -fsoftboundcets test.c -o test -L<git_repo>/runtime -lm -lrt -lsoftboundcets_rt
Run the test program
Enter 10; the program executes successfully.
Enter 105; a memory safety violation is triggered.
(1) LTO is still not enabled.
(2) Checks are not currently inlined.
(3) Enable spatial and temporal check elimination
(4) Add separate modes for softbound, cets, and softboundcets