The world’s fastest framework for building websites.
Simple traffic flow simulation in NetLogo
Queue network model where task movement between queues is governed by server availability, not completion of service--served entities are removed from the network.
One webpage for every book ever published!
Koha is a free software integrated library system (ILS). Koha is distributed under the GNU GPL version 3 or later. ***Note: this is a synced mirror of the official Koha repo. Note: This project use…
Um einen automatisierten Import von Fragen & Antworten in Dialogflow zu implementieren, haben wir uns zusammengesetzt. Das entstandene Python-Skript erledigt diesen aufwändigen Arbeitsschritt in we…
judaicalink / judaicalink-pubby
Forked from DM2E/pubbyA Linked Data frontend for SPARQL endpoints
Das Projekt Bahn aus der Lehrveranstaltung Web Programmierung.
The JudaicaLink Portal for experimental access to our data.
Repository for the "Coding da Vinci 2018 Rhein-Main" contribution from the 20th Century Press Archives - for the data itself see