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ceph: add example BlueStore migration via the ceph-objectstore-tool d…
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Signed-off-by: Anthony D'Atri <[email protected]>
anthonyeleven committed Sep 23, 2021
1 parent d855dbb commit 2a181ef
Showing 3 changed files with 393 additions and 12 deletions.
25 changes: 13 additions & 12 deletions doc/rados/operations/bluestore-migration.rst
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -272,21 +272,22 @@ Caveats:

* The device must be manually partitioned.

* Tooling not implemented!

* Not documented!
* An unsupported user-contributed script that shows this process may be found at


* Little or no data migrates over the network during the conversion.
* Little or no data migrates over the network during the conversion, so long as
the `noout` or `norecover`/`norebalance` flags are set on the OSD or the cluster
while the process proceeds.


* Tooling not fully implemented.
* Process not documented.
* Each host must have a spare or empty device.
* The OSD is offline during the conversion, which means new writes will
be written to only a subset of the OSDs. This increases the risk of data
loss due to a subsequent failure. (However, if there is a failure before
conversion is complete, the original FileStore OSD can be started to provide
access to its original data.)
* Tooling is not fully implemented, supported, or documented.
* Each host must have an appropriate spare or empty device for staging.
* The OSD is offline during the conversion, which means new writes to PGs
with the OSD in their acting set may not be ideally redundant until the
subject OSD comes up and recovers. This increases the risk of data
loss due to an overlapping failure. However, if another OSD fails before
conversion and start-up are complete, the original Filestore OSD can be
started to provide access to its original data.
10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions src/tools/contrib/README.rst
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@

This directory houses scripts and other files that may be useful to Ceph
administrators. Everything here is provided *as-is*, and may or may
not be up-to-date or functional. Code may not be up to official standards.
Please do not assume any level of support. Your mileage may vary.

Each file's header must include a tracker number and an author signed-off-by
370 changes: 370 additions & 0 deletions src/tools/contrib/ceph-migrate-bluestore.bash
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,370 @@
# Signed-off-by: Chris Dunlop <>

function usage
cat <<END
Usage: $0 osd device
Migrate an OSD from Filestore to BlueStore
osd - OSD ID to migrate
device - raw device to migrate to, starting with /dev/disk/by-id/
ceph-migrate-bluestore 6 /dev/disk/by-id/ata-WDC_WD80EFZX-68UW8N0_VK0RKXTY
exit 0

shopt -s -o errexit nounset pipefail
shopt -s extglob failglob inherit_errexit lastpipe

[[ $# -eq 2 ]] || usage

[[ $osd =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]] || error 'osd must be numeric'
-b $bluestore_device &&
$bluestore_device =~ ^/dev/disk/by-id/ &&
! $bluestore_device =~ -part[0-9]+$
]] || error "device must be a raw block device starting with /dev/disk/by-id/"

# Setup...

# VG used for block.db LVs
vgs "${vgdb}" >& /dev/null || error "VG '${vgdb}' for block.db not found"

# Size of LV in $vgdb for the block.db

# Prefix used for block LVs

# Some less(?) common we use - abort early if they're missing

# Functions...
function runcmd
local IFS=' '
echo 1>&2 "$*"

function is_uuid
[[ $1 =~ ^[[:xdigit:]]{8}-[[:xdigit:]]{4}-[[:xdigit:]]{4}-[[:xdigit:]]{4}-[[:xdigit:]]{12}$ ]]

# Compare the used size of the OSD with the new device
# (and arbitrarily 20% larger 'cos we don't want to fill it up)
function check-device-size
# "ceph osd df" fields 7 and 8 - "RAW USE", size and units
IFS=' ' read -r sz units <<< "$(ceph osd df | awk -v"id=${osd}" '$1==id { print $7, $8 }')"
case $units in
KiB) pow=1 ;;
MiB) pow=2 ;;
GiB) pow=3 ;;
TiB) pow=4 ;;
PiB) pow=5 ;;
*) error "ceph df: units not recognized: ${units}" ;;
osdbytes=$(printf '%.0f' "$(bc <<< "${sz} * 1024^${pow} * 1.2")")

bdev=$(realpath "${bluestore_device}")
[[ -e /sys/block/${bdev##*/}/size ]] || error "Can't find size for ${bluestore_device}"
bdevbytes=$(($(<"/sys/block/${bdev##*/}/size") * 512))

declare -p osdbytes bdevbytes

((bdevbytes >= osdbytes)) || error "The block device isn't large enough"

# Check things look ok
# Is there a better way of checking, other than manually?
function check-ceph-ok
local ans=r

while [[ $ans = r ]]
runcmd ceph -s
read -r -p $'\nCheck status above and press r to recheck or <Enter> to continue with scrub' ans

# Run a scrub "to be sure, to be sure"
# For smaller OSDs we can see which PGs we need to watch for...
runcmd ceph pg ls-by-primary "${osd}" | awk '$1~/^[0-9]+\./ { print $1 }'
runcmd ceph osd scrub "${osd}"

tail -n0 -f "/var/log/ceph/ceph-osd.${osd}.log" &
sleep 2
while ! read -r -t 10 -p $'\n\n\ntailing osd log file: press <Enter> to continue\n\n\n' ans
kill "${pid}"

while [[ $ans = r ]]
runcmd ceph -s
read -r -p $'\nCheck status above and press r to recheck or <Enter> to continue' ans

# Disable the FileStore so it doesn't attempt to come back on reboot, but
# so we can revert back to it if necessary
# Partition GUID code: 4FBD7E29-9D25-41B8-AFD0-062C0CEFF05D (Ceph OSD)
# Partition GUID code: 0FC63DAF-8483-4772-8E79-3D69D8477DE4 (Linux filesystem data)
function disable-filestore
# Remove the original device from fstab if it's there
# (it may be in here for xfs with logdev etc.)
if grep -qE '^[^#[:space:]]+[[:space:]]+'"${osddir}"'[[:space:]]' /etc/fstab
[[ -e /etc/fstab.${0##*/} ]] || cp -a /etc/fstab{,."${0##*/}"}
sed -ri '/^[^#[:space:]]+[[:space:]]+'"${osddir//\//\\\/}"'[[:space:]]/ s/^/# /' /etc/fstab

# Change the partition type
[[ -e ${osd_json%.json}.part ]] ||
runcmd sgdisk --backup="${osd_json%.json}.part" "${filestore_device}"
part_guid=$(sgdisk -i1 "${filestore_device}" | sed -rn 's/^Partition GUID code: ([[:xdigit:]-]+) .*/\1/p')
if [[ $part_guid = 4FBD7E29-9D25-41B8-AFD0-062C0CEFF05D ]]
runcmd sgdisk --typecode=1:0FC63DAF-8483-4772-8E79-3D69D8477DE4 "${filestore_device}"
echo "${filestore_device} partition 1 changed to type 0FC63DAF-8483-4772-8E79-3D69D8477DE4 (Linux filesystem data)"

# Processing...

# Check we have the commands we need
for cmd in "${cmds[@]}"
type "${cmd}" >& /dev/null || error "${cmd} utility required"

# Get/check OSD
runcmd systemctl is-enabled "${unit}" ||
error "systemd unit ${unit} not enabled"

[[ -d $osddir ]] || error "No directory: ${osddir}"

fsid=$(< "${osddir}/fsid")
is_uuid "${fsid}" || error "fsid uuid not found in ${osddir}/fsid"

[[ -f $osd_json ]] || error "File doesn't exist: ${osd_json}"

authkey=$(sed -rn 's/^[[:space:]]+key[[:space:]]*=[[:space:]]*//p' "${osddir}/keyring")
[[ $authkey ]] || error "Can't get authkey from ${osddir}/keyring"

# We want the device containing the FileStore version of the OSD
# so we can disable it once the BlueStore version is up and running,
# so the FileStore doesn't contend with the BlueStore on reboot etc.
filestore_device=$(awk '$2=="'"${osddir}"'" { print $1; }' /etc/mtab)
[[ $filestore_device ]] || error "Can't find device currently mounted on ${osddir}"
[[ $filestore_device =~ ^/dev/sd[a-z]+[0-9]*$ ]] || error "Don't recognize device currently mounted on ${osddir}: ${filestore_device}"

declare -p unit block_prefix bluestore_device osd osddir fsid osd_json lvnewdb authkey filestore_device

runcmd check-device-size

# Create raw LV for block.db
runcmd lvcreate --yes -L "${dblvsize}" -n "${lvnewdb#*/}" "${lvnewdb%/*}"

# Prepare the new OSD
# osd-list.orig is so we can work out which osd was created
ceph osd ls > /tmp/osd-list.orig
runcmd ceph-volume lvm prepare --data "${bluestore_device}" --block.db "${lvnewdb}"

# Work out which OSD has been created
# Is there a better way of doing this?
ceph osd ls > /tmp/

new=$(comm -13 /tmp/osd-list.{orig,new})
[[ $new =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]] || error "New OSD id not found"

# remove the new OSD from the ceph database
# (it's left mounted)
runcmd ceph osd purge "${new}" --yes-i-really-mean-it

# Params for the newly created OSD
lvnew=$(readlink "${newdir}/block"); lvnew=${lvnew#/dev/}

# lvfix is what we're going to rename the LV to so
# it ends in the (original) fsid
is_uuid "${lvnew#*/${block_prefix}-}" || error "LV not recognised: ${lvnew}"

declare -p new newdir lvnew lvfix

# the "dup" step only works if the destination has the same id and fsid
# as the source: fix 'em up
new_fsid=$(< "${newdir}/fsid")
--deltag "ceph.osd_id=${new}"
--addtag "ceph.osd_id=${osd}"

--deltag "ceph.osd_fsid=${new_fsid}"
--addtag "ceph.osd_fsid=${fsid}"

--deltag "ceph.block_device=${lvnew}"
--addtag "ceph.block_device=${lvfix}"
runcmd lvchange "${args[@]}" "${lvnew}"
runcmd lvchange "${args[@]}" "${lvnewdb}"

runcmd ceph-bluestore-tool set-label-key --dev "${newdir}/block" --key whoami --value "${osd}"
runcmd ceph-bluestore-tool set-label-key --dev "${newdir}/block" --key osd_uuid --value "${fsid}"
runcmd ceph-bluestore-tool set-label-key --dev "${newdir}/block.db" --key osd_uuid --value "${fsid}"

echo "${fsid}" > "${newdir}/fsid"

# Rename the LV so it ends in the (original) fsid
runcmd lvrename "${lvnew}" "${lvfix}"
runcmd ln -sf "/dev/${lvfix}" "${newdir}/block"

# Remove the flags that mkfs has already been done - otherwise mkfs skips the actual mkfs!
runcmd ceph-bluestore-tool rm-label-key --dev "${newdir}/block" --key mkfs_done
runcmd rm "${newdir}/mkfs_done"

# Empty out the new OSD filesystem
runcmd ceph-objectstore-tool --type bluestore --data-path "${newdir}" --fsid "${fsid}" --op mkfs --no-mon-config

# Stop the osd - the copy can't proceed if it's busy
runcmd systemctl is-active --quiet "ceph-osd@${osd}" &&
runcmd systemctl stop "ceph-osd@${osd}"

# The actual copy...
runcmd time ceph-objectstore-tool --type filestore --data-path "/var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-${osd}" --target-data-path "${newdir}" --op dup

# Fix up some keys from the copy
printf '[osd.%d]\n\tkey = %s\n' "${osd}" "${authkey}" > "${newdir}/key"
ceph-bluestore-tool set-label-key --dev "${newdir}/block" --key osd_key --value "${authkey}"
ceph-bluestore-tool rm-label-key --dev "${newdir}/block" --key fsid

# Move the FileStore config file out of the way to avoid it being used on boot
runcmd mv "${osd_json}"{,.orig}

# prepare the mount points
runcmd umount "${osddir}"
runcmd umount "${newdir}"
runcmd rmdir "${newdir}"

# Start the new BlueStore version of the OSD
runcmd ceph-volume lvm trigger "${osd}-${fsid}"

# Let things settle a little then check the new OSD is running
sleep 5
if ! systemctl is-active --quiet "${unit}"
systemctl status "${unit}"
exit 1

runcmd check-ceph-ok

runcmd disable-filestore

exit 0

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