Generate a Full Stack Web project with Go, React, and MongoDB in seconds.
Goxygen aims at saving your time while setting up a new project. It creates a skeleton of an application with all configuration done for you. You can start implementing your business logic straight away. Goxygen generates back end Go code, connects it with front end React components, provides a Dockerfile for the application and creates docker-compose files for convenient run in development and production environments.
You need to have Go 1.11 or newer on your machine.
go get -u
go run init my-app
This generates a project in my-app
The generated project is ready to run with docker-compose
cd my-app
docker-compose up
After the build is completed, the application is accessible on http://localhost:8080.
You can find more details on how to work with the generated project in its readme file.
├── server # Go project files
│ ├── db # MongoDB communications
│ ├── model # domain objects
│ ├── web # REST APIs, web server
│ ├── server.go # the starting point of the server
│ └── go.mod # server dependencies
├── webapp
│ ├── public # icons, static files, and index.html
│ ├── src
│ │ ├── App.js # the main React component
│ │ ├── App.css # App component-specific styles
│ │ ├── index.js # the entry point of the application
│ │ └── index.css # global styles
│ ├── package.json # front end dependencies
│ ├── .env.development # holds API endpoint for dev environment
│ └── .env.production # API endpoint for prod environment
├── Dockerfile # builds back end and front end together
├── docker-compose.yml # prod environment deployment descriptor
├── docker-compose-dev.yml # runs local MongoDB for development needs
├── init-db.js # creates a MongoDB collection with test data
├── .dockerignore # specifies files ignored in Docker builds
├── .gitignore
└── # guide on how to use the generated repo
Files such as unit tests or sample components are not included here for simplicity.
Goxygen generates a basic structure of a project and doesn't force you to use a specific set of tools. That's why it doesn't bring unneeded dependencies to your project. The only two dependencies are mongo-go-driver on the back end side and axios on the front end side.
If you found a bug or have an idea on how to improve the project open an issue and we will fix it as soon as possible.
You can also propose your changes via a Pull Request. Fork the repository, make changes, send us a pull request and we'll review it shortly.
Goxygen's logo was created by Egon Elbre.