Fututre developments will be done under new repo: github.com/Kultuurihoidla/Akustikaproov
API documentation:
- /v3/swagger-ui/index.html
- /v3/api-docs
Run BE docker:
.env setup:
1. add .env to the root folder.
2. add 2 values into the .env file:
a. POSTGRES_USER=<usrName>
* when trying to run or build with out .env file follow these commands:
a. docker build --build-arg POSTGRES_USER=<usrName> --build-arg POSTGRES_PASSWORD=<pwd> -t your_image .
b. docker run --env POSTGRES_USER=<usrName> --env POSTGRES_PASSWORD=<pwd>
Run docker:
1. add the .env file
2. Run: docker-compose up (-d)
3. ????
4. profit
* You could also add the varables in side of the docker-compose.yml file and skip .env file:
Run BE locally:
You need Java and PostgreSQL installed. Create env.properties file in src/main/resources where DB_URL, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD will be the values for connectiong to your PostgreSQL database. When running backend Flyway will automagically create DB and prefill it with data.
Run: .\build-and-deploy-img.bat