YelpCamp is a Responsive web application where a user can create and view campgrounds. A user need to create an account. The website is build with Node.js, Express, MongoDB and BootStrap and also uses Passport.js for authentication.
- Users can create, edit, and remove campgrounds
- Users can review campgrounds once, and edit or remove their review
- A new user need to sign up first with details such as First name, last name, email, avatar image
- User login with username and password
- User can reset password by visiting 'Forgot Password'
- Search campground by name or location
- Display campground location on Google Map.
- Sort campgrounds by highest rating, most reviewed, lowest price, or highest price
- View user profile and upload user avatar
- Responsive web design
- [HTML] ( - Standard markup language
- [CSS] ( - Style sheet language
- [Bootstrap] ( - Free & open-source CSS framework
- [Javascript] ( - High-level, interpreted programming language
- [Node.js] ( - JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine
- [Express.js] ( - Minimal and flexible Node.js web application framework
- [MongoDB] ( - Most popular cross platform NoSQL Database
- [Passport] ( - Authentication middleware for Node.js
- [Google Map] ( - Static and dynamic map
- [Nodemailer] ( - Node.js module to allow email sending
- [Multer] ( - Node.js middleware for uploading files
To see the app in action, visit YelpCamp