webring Public
Forked from XXIIVV/webringMake yourself a website
HTML MIT License UpdatedFeb 6, 2025 -
pixelsort Public
Pixel sorting images in python.
FDS2020_seminars Public
Forked from adasegroup/FDS2020_seminarsRepository with seminars from the course Theoretical Foundations of Data Science at Skoltech in summer 2020
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedApr 30, 2020 -
color-thief-py Public
Forked from fengsp/color-thief-pyGrabs the dominant color or a representative color palette from an image. Uses Python and Pillow.
Python Other UpdatedFeb 9, 2016 -
indianelectionmeter.github.io Public
Forked from reddit-india/indianelectionmeter.github.ioWebsite dedicated to track promises made in Indian Elections, as suggested on reddit.com/r/india
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedNov 20, 2015 -
unplify Public
Python script to make an image look like the album art for Unknown Pleasures
elementary-ca Public
Python script to generate images of elementary cellular automata.
supa-bot-fire Public
🔥 A bot that retweets in the style of Supa Hot Fire: I am that.
Thoughts Public
A simple website to collect one's thoughts
Python GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedMar 31, 2015 -
markovmosh Public
Forked from delucks/markovmoshtext generator for Hophacks S2015
Python UpdatedMar 20, 2015 -
d3-where-next Public
What's the furthest place from anywhere you've been?
template-syntax Public
Forked from atom/template-syntaxA template atom syntax theme to build from
CSS MIT License UpdatedDec 16, 2014 -