slashbot is a shitty discord bot written using disnake, based on my previous bot, badbot. It is designed to work in only a few servers, hence there are some hardcoded IDs in here.
Here are some of the main features
- Markov Chain sentence generation (learns from the server)
- Embed a YouTube search
- Set, view and remove reminders
- Connect to voice to stream audio
- Generate sentences from God's temple
- Post images from
- Get the news headlines
- Check the weather and forecast
- Ask Stephen Wolfram a question
- Get a random Danny Dyer tweet
- Send a gif of a spitting girl
slashbot can be deployed using docker and docker-compose,
$ docker-compose up
You will need the evnvironment variables listed in the next section in a file
named docker-env.env
Python 3.10 is required. All other requirements are in requirements.txt, and can be installed as such,
$ python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
The following environment variables are required,
export BOT_TOKEN="XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" # the discord bot token
export YT_VIDEO_KEY="XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" # a google api key
export OWM_KEY="XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" # an open weather map api key
export WOLFRAM_ID="XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" # a wolfram alpha api key
export NEWS_API="XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" # an api key for
export TWITTER_BEARER="XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" # twitter bearer token
$ python