So let's say there are 4 products in the internet shop, apple for 0.3$, beer for 2$, water for 1$ and cheese for 3.74$, stored in Mysql DB. Create a simple interface where i can do next required functions:
- i can add/remove products to my virtual cart in any quantities
- i can see my current cart status
- i have to choose transport type from some select, 'pick up' costs 0$, 'UPS' costs 5$, by default it's not chosen, and if i don't choose it, it says i have to when i click 'pay'
- i can click 'pay', which will deduct costs from my current cash (my cash is 100$) , and will write the price and the rest received.
- use at least a little Javascript in your code Also would be nice to have few this functions, but their like not required:
- near each product there is rating from 1 to 5, i can rate it and i see current average rating of each product. Rates are saved between each visits and they stay saved. Please store them in Mysql DB.
- some CSS/html/JS so it looks a little better Most important:
- prices are fictional
- please DO NOT use anybody else work for this. everything in this project should be written by you for the purpose of this project (no reuse of old projects).
- Please use Allman coding style,