EPAM DevOps Essentials Quizz & Knowledge Check tests!
For those of you who would like to go thru all DevOps Essentials quizzes and Knowledge Checks before a final L0 test I put them all in a Python script. There are 2 files that you have to place in the same directory: epamtest.py & questions.toml
You can run the script from shell (Python virtual environment activated) as follows:
python -m epamtest
It was tested on Python 3.6.8. Should work on older 3.x versions or above. The script uses the Tomli library and emoji module that you have to install via pip into your virtual environment. Please refer to Roman's tutorial from Python Essentials.
python -m venv test # creates a virtual environment test
source test/bin/activate # activates it
pip install tomli # installs tomli
pip install emoji # installs emoji