- Pro
Repository for "Determining Climate Risks with NASA Earthdata Cloud" tutorial (SciPy 2024)
Lectures and conference materials for the DSE2023 at the University of Lausanne, Switzerland
Publication-quality network visualisations in python
Ontology modeller, semantic data editor and reasoner designed for ISO 15926 compliant engineering data
Library for graphical models of decision making, based on pgmpy and networkx
This is a suite of reinforcement learning environments illustrating various safety properties of intelligent agents.
A highly-customisable gridworld game engine with some batteries included. Make your own gridworld games to test reinforcement learning agents!
A Python implementation of active inference for Markov Decision Processes
Examining long-term compounded effects of decisions on individual's precarity
This is the main repository for the MakeHuman application as such.
Insight Data Science 2017 Remote Program project developing tools for automagically analyzing privacy policy content.
shaarli / Shaarli
Forked from sebsauvage/ShaarliThe personal, minimalist, super-fast, database free, bookmarking service - community repo
Disease propagation ABM generating SIR, severe cases, and R0 over quasi-time.
A repository of data on coronavirus cases and deaths in the U.S.
A Python sandbox for decision making in dynamics
Python libraries to access the IETF DataTracker and RFC Index
A simple visual editor for creating commutative diagrams.
Tigramite is a python package for causal inference with a focus on time series data. The Tigramite documentation is at
Pandas Network Analysis by UrbanSim: fast accessibility metrics and shortest paths, using contraction hierarchies 🗺️
A framework for modeling and simulating dynamical systems
An Open Platform for Activity-Based Travel Modeling
Repository of all completed projects during the "AI for Trading" Nanodegree
(Deprecated) Experimental PyMC interface for TensorFlow Probability. Official work on this project has been discontinued.
Python toolbox for simulation of matching markets in economics
Cartography is a Python tool that consolidates infrastructure assets and the relationships between them in an intuitive graph view powered by a Neo4j database.