This repo contains assignments for BYU-Idaho WDD 430: Web Full-Stack Development course, Fall 2022. During this course, projects for Academind: Angular - The Complete Guide, Academind: Angular & NodeJS - The MEAN Stack Guide, and other course material will be included.
Links below will be added to better locate the different projects based on different branches by course week.
- Week 02 Assignment: "WeLearn CMS - First Project"
- Week 03 Assignment: "WeLearn CMS - Components & Databinding"
- Week 04 Assignment: "WeLearn CMS - Documents & Directives"
- Week 05 Assignment: "WeLearn CMS - Services"
- Week 06 Assignment: "WeLearn CMS - Routing"
- Week 07 Assignment: "WeLearn CMS - Observables"
- Week 08 Assignment: "WeLearn CMS - Forms + Drag & Drop"
- Week 09 Assignment: "WeLearn CMS - HTTPS, Pipes, & Firebase"
- Week 10 Assignment: "WeLearn CMS - Express.js"
- Week 11 Assignment: "WeLearn CMS - MongoDB & Mongoose"
- Weeks 12-14 Final Project: Pokemon Quest Recipes
Exercises from the Academind Angular - The Complete Guide 2022 by Max Schwarzmuller.
- Week 01: TypeScript Introduction & "Getting Started"
- Week 02: "The Basics" & "Course Project - The Basics"
- Week 03: "Components & Databinding Deep Dive" & "Course Project - Components & Databinding"
- Week 04: "Directives Deep Dive" & "Course Project - Directives"
- Week 05: "Using Services & Dependency Injection" & "Course Project - Services & Dependency Injection"
- Week 06: "Changing Pages with Routing" & "Course Project - Routing"
- Week 07: "Understanding Observables" & "Course Project - Observables"
- Week 08: "Handling Forms in Angular Apps" & "Course Project - Forms"
- Week 09: "Using Pipes to Transform Output", "Making Http Requests", Firebase, & "Course Project - Http"
Exercises from the Academind Angular & NodesJS - The MEAN Stack Guide [2022 Edition] by Max Schwarzmuller.
- Week 10: "Adding NodeJS to our Project"
- Week 11: "Working with MongoDB"
- Week 12: "Enhancements"