Red Hat Inc.
- Boston
- https://medium.com/@sbose78
Shipwright - a framework for building container images on Kubernetes
[Deprecated] The Service Binding Operator: Connecting Applications with Services, in Kubernetes
Core components in the OCM project. Report here if you found any issues in OCM.
Library to generate Kubernetes objects from a devfile and accessing the devfile registry
A CLI for building container images on Kubernetes!
An operator that gets you an ArgoCD for cluster configuration out-of-the-box on OpenShift along with the UI for visualizing environments.
GitOps Repository for initial OCP Cluster
OpenShift/Kubernetes operator to manage creating/destroying In-cluster PostgreSQL databases
Unleash the power of Java - JBang Lets Students, Educators and Professional Developers create, edit and run self-contained source-only Java programs with unprecedented ease.
An operator-managed OpenShift Jenkins for OpenShift 4.x
Contains samples of operators built using the operator-sdk
DSL and utility functions in groovy for running Jenkins OSIO Pipeline
CertChain is university certificates on blockchain
ACME Controller for OpenShift and Kubernetes Cluster. (Supports e.g. Let's Encrypt)
Kubernetes based Cloud Development Environments for Enterprise Teams
Cloud Agents - An OpenStack Integrated Orchestration and Automation PaaS Prototype
sbose78 / express
Forked from expressjs/expressSinatra inspired web development framework for node.js -- insanely fast, flexible, and simple
Fast, unopinionated, minimalist web framework for node.