- seoul, korea
- https://sangza-labs.vercel.app/
Starred repositories
A collection of ergonomic split keyboards ⌨
A fast, minimalistic backend framework for Dart 🎯
Instagram with clean architecture using flutter and firebase. almost include all functions on Instagram
This is going to serve as a startup project for every app that I'll build on by using the BLoC state-management package
🖥 Delightful Hyper plugins, themes, and resources
List of JavaScript methods which you can use natively + ESLint Plugin
Javascript Minimal Starter Boilerplate - Webpack 5 🚀, Babel 7, UMD, Unit Testing
⚡️ A curated list of awesome things related to Bun
Docker images of Java 8/11/14 provided by Oracle
PlutoGrid is a dataGrid for flutter that can be controlled by the keyboard on desktop and web. Of course, it works well on Android and IOS.
Audio / Voice Recorder for ReactJS using Web Audio API
React based hooks to utilize the media recorder api for audio, video and screen recording
react-media-recorder is a react component with render prop that can be used to record audio/video streams using MediaRecorder API.
NestJS boilerplate. Auth, TypeORM, Mongoose, Postgres, MongoDB, Mailing, I18N, Docker.
A Collection on all Jetpack compose UI elements, Layouts, Widgets and Demo screens to see it's potential
FIDO2(WebAuthn) server officially certified by FIDO Alliance and Relying Party examples.
Open screens/snackbars/dialogs/bottomSheets without context, manage states and inject dependencies easily with Get.
SonarQube plugin for sending notifications to Slack
🚀🎉📚 Boilerplate and Starter for Next.js 15 with App Router and Page Router support, Tailwind CSS 3.4 and TypeScript ⚡️ Made with developer experience first: Next.js + TypeScript + ESLint + Prettier…
React和Ant Design和 Nest.js 和 Mysql 构建的后台通用管理系统。持续更新。
Backend MVP showcasing JWT (Json Web Token) authentication with multiple login, timeout / refresh / logout (with in memory invalidation) using Spring Security & MySQL JPA.
Getting Started withg Spring Security OAuth:
A simple straightforward customizable mobile-friendly image cropper for Vue 2.0.