Name: Abdul Shaik Student Number: c18743045
This Project is a visualization of King Of Everything by Dominic Fike. There are 6 new java files/classes that were cretaed for this project.
- Instrument class is the one, which calls for all the other class in its draw function.The screen size & where most of the setup is done, like the ability to switch from instrument (drawing) to another.
- The PianoStrands file is my visualization of how the strings inside a piano behave mainly. Also string intruments like the guitar. Sometimes the singers voice as well, nartural movenments dur to the noise function is use. -The Revolutions file is trying to represent the voice & face maybe natural shapes becaue the noise function is also used here. -The Propellar is used to represent more rigid objects in the song.
- The Loadscreen file is used when the experiance (music/drawing) is paused.
- The Message file in the screen with all the instuctions how to navigate the the experaince while it is running.
- Compile folder, from Main
- Instruction Screen appears please Read & Follow e.g. Space to start, X to pause, 1 to load new visual, i for instructions etc..
- The code is heavily commented it describes almost every line for every visual please read. -The main Idea All visuals are ran through in the package C18743045. -Every visual that is run is found in this package. Inside this we have constuctors for visuals that are called in setup(). -These are needed to create the visuals inside, inside the draw function where all the renders are called for each visual.
Intruments Setup
public void setup(){
ls = new Loadscreen(this);
me = new Message(this);
pr = new Propeller(this);
strands = new PianoStrands(this);
re = new Revolutions(this);
Instruments Draw()
public void draw()
//callling all instruments as required
if(state == 0){
if (state == 1){
if (state == 2){
if(state == 4){
if(state == 5){
if(state == 7){
The user is expected to switch the above mentioned using keyboard buttons. which have been clearly described in the Instruction menu at the start.
I am most pround of the PianoStrand the way the strings move the to music it feels natural & I have tested it on songs its works quite well which took very long to make but is the exaclty as intended which I can't say for all the others but every file was worked on to represent the song best as possible.