Common lib containing SDIP error codes
In order to add the module to your current project, run the command
git submodule add <relative-path-to-sdip-error-codes.git> <desired/path/in/project>
Relative mapping needs to be used in order for the gitlab-runner to be able to clone the repo
git submodule add errorcode/sdos-error-code
Run the command in the root of the parent repo, you should now have a new .gitmodules
file in the
root of your service repo, with the following content
[submodule "errorcode/sdos-error-code"]
path = errorcode/sdos-error-code
url =
To update the submodule run (in repo root)
git submodule update --init --recursive
Now the library can be found in <repo-root>/common-sdip/sdip-error-codes
and may be included in
the project by adding
include 'errorcode:sdos-error-code'
in settings.gradle and adding
implementation project(':errorcode:sdos-error-code')
to build.gradle