Pretrained pytorch model for the SOSNet descriptor [CVPR 2019]
My personal note about local and global descriptor
A list of point set matching/registration resources collected by Gang Wang
Replication of simple CV Projects including attention, classification, detection, keypoint detection, etc.
A list of high-quality (newest) AutoML works and lightweight models including 1.) Neural Architecture Search, 2.) Lightweight Structures, 3.) Model Compression, Quantization and Acceleration, 4.) H…
OpenMMLab Semantic Segmentation Toolbox and Benchmark.
PyTorch implementation of Contrastive Learning methods
MobileNetV2-YoloV3-Nano: 0.5BFlops 3MB HUAWEI P40: 6ms/img, YoloFace-500k:0.1Bflops 420KB:fire::fire::fire:
YOLOv5 🚀 in PyTorch > ONNX > CoreML > TFLite
Try out different pruning-approaches on lightweight Backbones.
SimCLRv2 - Big Self-Supervised Models are Strong Semi-Supervised Learners
Efficient neural feature detector and descriptor
Code for the Scene Graph Generation part of CVPR 2019 oral paper: "Learning to Compose Dynamic Tree Structures for Visual Contexts"
A collection of loss functions for medical image segmentation
This is the code for the NeurIPS 2019 paper Region Mutual Information Loss for Semantic Segmentation.
Pretrain, finetune ANY AI model of ANY size on multiple GPUs, TPUs with zero code changes.
Exploring Self-attention for Image Recognition, CVPR2020.
experiments on Paper <Bag of Tricks for Image Classification with Convolutional Neural Networks> and other useful tricks to improve CNN acc
List of useful data augmentation resources. You will find here some not common techniques, libraries, links to GitHub repos, papers, and others.
[CVPR 2020] CascadePSP: Toward Class-Agnostic and Very High-Resolution Segmentation via Global and Local Refinement
Simple implementation of mean shift clustering in python
[CVPR 2019, Oral] "Collaborative Global-Local Networks for Memory-Efficient Segmentation of Ultra-High Resolution Images" by Wuyang Chen*, Ziyu Jiang*, Zhangyang Wang, Kexin Cui, and Xiaoning Qian
[ICLR 2020] "FasterSeg: Searching for Faster Real-time Semantic Segmentation" by Wuyang Chen, Xinyu Gong, Xianming Liu, Qian Zhang, Yuan Li, Zhangyang Wang