This Repo contains an ansible Playbook, that will install Docker on your Ubuntu 22.04 Server, that will create a Hyperbridge-Relayer Container on your Machine.
To use this Playbook you need:
- ssh access to a Machine with a user that has root permissions
- ansible installed on the Machine you want to execute the Playbook from
- declare some Varibales
- system_username
- chain
- hyperbridge_node_ws
- etherscan_eth_api_key
- etherscan_bsc_api_key
- eth_rpc
- arbitrum_rpc
- optimism_rpc
- base_rpc
- bsc_rpc
- signer
- minimum_profit_percentage
Thats the username of your Ubuntu/Debian User. If you login into your System for example with the command 'ssh hyperbridge@' your system_username is 'hyperbridge'.
system_username: hyperbridge
The chain you want to start your Relayer in. Allowed Values are Dev, Gargantua, Messier or Nexus.
chain: Gargantua
The Websocket IP and Port of your Hyperbridge Node.
hyperbridge_node_ws: ws://
You need to specify your Ethereum etherscan API key here.
How to create this key
Its used for everything besides BSC.
You need to specify your Binance etherscan API key here.
How to create this key
Here you need to define the RPC http(s) addresses of the Sepolia RPCs you want to connect to the relayer.
You dont have to connect all the chains, two are enough to run the relayer.
Just leave the rpc variables that you dont want to use commented out.
The Privatekey that will deliver the messages. You will need to have the native Token for the Chains on that key.
Define your profitability configuration. 0 -> 0% i.e relay all requests, even unprofitable ones. 1 -> 1%. ie fees provided for requests must be profitable by at least 1%. etc.
minimum_profit_percentage: "1"
Maximum block range for eth_getLogs in a single rpc call
If this parameter is not supplied the range will not be split into smaller chunks
Default value is 1000
eth_query_batch_size: "1000"
- ansible_host
Thats the IP-Address of your Target Machine. Your Machine needs to be accessable using ssh with that IP.
cd into this Repo and run the Playbook with 'ansible-playbook playbook.yml'
Have a look in the docker logs of your newly created Container.
Check the running Containers:
hyperbridge@hyperbridge-relayer01:~$ docker ps
a7953883bbea polytopelabs/tesseract:latest "./tesseract --confi…" 22 hours ago Up 22 hours hyperbridge-relayer-tesseract_relayer-1
Grab the Container ID or the Name and check the logs.
docker logs -f a7953883bbea