HDInsight Developer's Guide
TensorFlow Lab for Self-Driving Car ND
Open source hardware and software platform to build a small scale self driving car.
TensorFlow Tutorial and Examples for Beginners (support TF v1 & v2)
Demo on using FFImageLoading with Xamarin Forms
An example for the adaptive icons feature in android O
SkiaSharp is a cross-platform 2D graphics API for .NET platforms based on Google's Skia Graphics Library. It provides a comprehensive 2D API that can be used across mobile, server and desktop model…
Microsoft: DAT201x Querying with Transact-SQL from edx
A collection of Power BI samples for developer use.
Simple HTML5 Charts using the <canvas> tag
Create cross-platform (Xamarin, Windows, ...) simple charts.
Open source documentation of Microsoft Azure
Xamarin and Azure Better Together demo app team.
Random cool stuff I play around using Xamarin.. :3 Some of these cool projects I feature them on my blog, with step by step explanation. :) Don't forget to check it out. Go to: theconfuzedsourcecod…
Custom page transitions in a Xamarin.Forms App
Push Notification Plugin for Xamarin iOS and Android
Image loading, caching & transforming library for Xamarin and Windows
Sample apps built using the Xamarin.Forms framework
IoT Hub Explorer has been deprecated in favor of the Azure CLI IoT Extension.
A set of sample applications that use Microcharts.