In this repository, you can find the lang files for the Laravel Framework 4/5/6/7/8, Laravel Jetstream , Laravel Fortify, Laravel Cashier, Laravel Nova and Laravel Spark.
[ Documentation | Completion Status ]
- in version 10, we split translation keys into Laravel packages (#1748, discussion)
- in version 9.1, we include machine translations, with review by humans for some languages ( see Discussions )
- in version 9, we propose new structure of files ( see #1606, #1607 )
- in version 8, we propose new directory names to follow Php Intl ( see #1453 )
- in version 7, we propose new directory names to follow ISO-15897 ( see #1269 )
- in version 6.1, we propose a new file by language:
( see #1268 )
- LaravelLang by @arcanedev-maroc - Translations manager and checker for Laravel.
- Laravel-lang by @overtrue - Command to add languages in your project.
- Lang Publisher by @andrey-helldar - Easy installation and update of translation files for your project.