- Maintained by:
SCLAB - Where to get help:
SCLAB Discord or Send email to [email protected] - Where to file issues:
https://github.com/sclab-io/docker-images/issues - Source of this description:
docs repo'ssclab/
directory (history) - Developer documents: docs.sclab.io
Provides a platform to quickly build data visualizations by integrating all data into an all-in-one
- sclabio/webapp
- sclabio/gis-process
- sclabio/mqtt-client
- sclabio/mqtt-broker
- sclabio/kafka-client
- sclabio/ai-service
- sclabio/sclab-agent
You can not use this image without LICENSE KEY. If you want to get one, please contact us. [email protected]
- os.linux.x86_64 (ubuntu, osx, linux)
- docker
- docker-compose
- Memory 8GB
- 40GB Free space
git clone https://github.com/sclab-io/docker-images.git
File Name | Description |
common.env | Common Environment |
webapp.env | Environment for webapp |
gis-process.env | Environment for GIS Process |
mqtt-client.env | Environment for MQTT Client |
mqtt-broker.env | Environment for MQTT Broker |
kafka-client.env | Environment for Kafka Client |
ai-service.env | Environment for AI service |
db-agent.env | Environment for SCLAB Agent |
docker-compose.yml | Docker Compose YAML |
nginx.conf | Nginx config |
redis.conf | Redis config |
settings.json | sclab settings |
run.sh | run script |
down.sh | down script |
logs.sh | logs script |
- ROOT_URL in common.env
- If you don't have domain for sclab, you need to add your custom domain to /etc/hosts file.
- ex) yourdomain.com
- ROOT_URL=http://yourdomain.com
vi common.env
- public.siteDomain from settings.json
- ex) yourdomain.com
- edit siteDomain
- "public.siteDomain" : "yourdomain.com"
:your license code
vi settings.json
- SERVER_DOMAIN=yourdomain.com
vi mqtt-broker.env
var | description |
ROOT_URL | root url with your domain |
HTTP_FORWARDED_COUNT | The number of procedure servers in front of the service to properly check the IP address of the accessor. |
LOG_PATH | It is a log file path, and it does not need to be changed because it is an address to be used in the Docker image. |
LOG_LEVEL | Display log levels [error, warn, info, debug] |
USE_FILE_LOG | If you don't want to save log file set empty |
LOG_FILE_COUNT | A log file is created daily, and if set to 31, logs will be retained for 31 days. |
PORT | This is the default port number of the service, but it does not need to be changed because it is the port to be used within the Docker image. To change the actual port, change it in docker-compose.yml. |
NODE_ENV | node js execution environment variable |
MONGO_URL | Connection string for MongoDB |
MONGO_DB_READ_PREFERENCE | Read Preference for MongoDB |
MONGO_DB_POOL_SIZE | Size of MongoDB connection pool |
METEORD_NODE_OPTIONS | Options when running node. nodejs options |
MAIL_URL | Send mail server connection url (SMTP) |
QDRANT_CLUSTER_URL | QDRANT vector database cluster url |
QDRANT_API_KEY | QDRANT vector database API Key |
OPENAI_KEY | OpenAI api key |
OLLAMA_API_HOST | Ollama api host url (http://host:11434) |
var | description |
SERVER_ID | ID used to distinguish when using multiple servers |
ADD_INDEX | Setting up mongodb index creation (1 - create) |
SERVER_FILE_URL | read file path for server side |
var | description |
SERVER_ID | Server ID is an ID used when parsing GIS files and storing them in DB. When duplicating using multiple servers, each server must use a different ID. |
SERVER_FILE_URL | read file path for server side |
var | description |
SERVER_NAME | MQTT client server name |
SERVER_DOMAIN | MQTT client server domain |
SERVER_REGION | MQTT client server region |
PUBLIC_IP | public IP address |
PRIVATE_IP | private IP address |
var | description |
SERVER_NAME | MQTT broker server name |
SERVER_DOMAIN | MQTT broker server domain |
SERVER_REGION | MQTT broker server region |
PUBLIC_IP | public IP address |
PRIVATE_IP | private IP address |
JWT_KEY | MQTT JWT Key file path (RS256) |
TLS_CERT | certification file path for SSL |
TLS_PRIVATE_KEY | private key file path for SSL |
var | description |
SERVER_NAME | Kafka client server name |
SERVER_DOMAIN | Kafka client server domain |
SERVER_REGION | Kafka client server region |
PUBLIC_IP | public IP address |
PRIVATE_IP | private IP address |
var | description |
REDIS_URL | Redis server url |
AI_SERVER_ID | AI Service ID for HA |
USE_AI_SERVICE | AI Service run flag ("1" / "") |
IS_SYNC_SERVER | AI Data sync server flag (If you have multiple AI Service then only one server set "1") |
USE_CHAT_SERVICE | AI Chat Service flag |
SERVER_FILE_URL | read file path for server side |
LOG_DIR | Log file path |
NODE_OPTIONS | node options |
ORIGIN | cors orgin |
CREDENTIALS | CREDENTIALS flag ("true" / "") |
PORT | AI Service REST API web service port |
NODE_ENV | node environment |
USE_SQL_GEN_SERVICE | SQL Generator flag for union data ("1" / "") |
var | description |
public | public settings (can access client and server) |
public.siteName | site name |
public.siteDescription | site description |
public.defaultLanguage | default language (en, ko, es, hi, pt) |
public.analyticsSettings.Google Analytics.trackingId | google analytics tracking id |
public.storagePath | storage file path |
public.pageSize | default page size for single page |
public.noImg | no image url |
public.themeDefaultImg | theme default image url |
public.staticFilePath | static file path |
public.supportName | support name for email |
public.supportEmail | support email address |
public.siteDomain | site domain (ex) yourdomain.com |
public.mainPrefix | used when the main prefix exists separately. For example, if sclab.io is the domain and the editor domain is app.sclab.io If the mainPrefix value is set to app, app.sclab.io becomes the main It becomes a domain and this address must match the domain used in ROOT_URL in the environment settings. |
public.sso | string array what you want to use. (google, facebook, kakao, naver) |
public.useForceSSL | force redirect http to https |
public.uploadMaxMB | max upload file size (MB) |
public.editorHosts | editor host array |
public.ai.chat | ai chat bot default prompt (If you don't want to use this ai feature, remove "public.ai" field.) |
public.ai.ollama | ollama llm list array [{"model": "OLLAMA_gemma2:latest","label": "Gemma2 9B"}] current support model ("OLLAMA_gemma2:latest", "OLLAMA_gemma2:9b-instruct-q8_0", "OLLAMA_gemma2:27b", "OLLAMA_llama3:latest", "OLLAMA_llama3:8b-instruct-q8_0", "OLLAMA_llama3:70b") |
public.ai.ollamaEmbedModel | ollama embedding model list array [{"model": "mxbai-embed-large","label": "mxbai-embed-large"}] current support model ("mxbai-embed-large") |
public.ai.sqlModel | model for SQL generation current support model ("GPT4", "GPT3_16K", "OLLAMA_gemma2:latest", "OLLAMA_gemma2:9b-instruct-q8_0", "OLLAMA_gemma2:27b", "OLLAMA_llama3:latest", "OLLAMA_llama3:8b-instruct-q8_0", "OLLAMA_llama3:70b") |
public.hub.llmAPI | "openai" (defaut), "ollama" |
private.adminEmail | admin email address - If admin account doesn't exists, then create admin account using this email address |
private.adminPassword | admin password when create admin account, you can change after login. |
private.license | sclab on-premise license code (required) |
private.sso.google.clientId | google client id for OAUTH |
private.sso.google.secret | google secret for OAUTH |
private.sso.naver.clientId | naver client id for OAUTH |
private.sso.naver.secret | naver secret for OAUTH |
private.sso.kakao.clientId | kakao client id for OAUTH |
private.sso.kakao.secret | kakao secret for OAUTH |
private.sso.facebook.clientId | facebook client id for OAUTH |
private.sso.facebook.secret | facebook secret for OAUTH |
private.cors | CORS header ("Access-Control-Allow-Origin") |
redisOplog | redis connection information (only for server) |
redisOplog.redis.port | redis port |
redisOplog.redis.host | redis host |
redisOplog.redis.password | redis password |
redisOplog.retryIntervalMs | redis retry connection interval MS |
redisOplog.mutationDefaults.optimistic | Does not do a sync processing on the diffs. But it works by default with client-side mutations. |
redisOplog.mutationDefaults.pushToRedis | Pushes to redis the changes by default. |
redisOplog.debug | Will show timestamp and activity of redis-oplog. |
docker compose -f gen.yml run --rm key-generator
curl "https://awscli.amazonaws.com/awscli-exe-linux-x86_64.zip" -o "awscliv2.zip"
unzip awscliv2.zip
sudo ./aws/install
- add AWS Access Key ID and AWS Secret Access Key from SCLAB
sudo aws configure
sudo docker network create sclab-network
sudo ./run.sh
Now you can access SCLAB Studio at http://yourdomain.com/ from your host system.
After access SCLAB web page you have to login using admin account.
Default account information is [[email protected] / admin] from settings.json private.adminEmail, private.adminPassword.
You can change your admin password from web page, don't need to change settings.json file private.adminPassword.
sudo ./down.sh
sudo ./logs.sh
sudo ./pull.sh
sudo ./update-all.sh
If any service other than the webapp is updated, please use "./update-all.sh".
sudo ./update.sh
docker logs sclab-agent
Copyright (c) 2023 SCLAB All rights reserved.