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process-bot committed Jul 16, 2014
1 parent 24c0d90 commit 739f89d
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Showing 4 changed files with 849 additions and 0 deletions.
268 changes: 268 additions & 0 deletions Todo.elm
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,268 @@
import String
import Html
import Html (..)
import Html.Events (..)
import Html.Optimize.RefEq as Ref
import Window

import Graphics.Input (..)
import Graphics.Input as Input

data Route = All | Completed | Active

type Todo =
{ completed : Bool
, editing : Bool
, title : String
, id : Int

type State =
{ todos : [Todo]
, route : Route
, field : String
, guid : Int

actions : Input Action
actions = Input.input NoOp

port focus : Signal String
port focus =
let needsFocus act =
case act of
EditingTask id bool -> bool
_ -> False

toSelector (EditingTask id _) = ("#todo-" ++ show id)
toSelector <~ keepIf needsFocus (EditingTask 0 True) actions.signal

data Action
= NoOp
| UpdateField String

| EditingTask Int Bool
| UpdateTask Int String

| Add
| Delete Int
| DeleteComplete
| Check Int Bool
| CheckAll Bool
| ChangeRoute Route

step : Action -> State -> State
step action state =
case action of
NoOp -> state

Add ->
let newTodo = Todo False False state.field state.guid
newItems = if String.isEmpty state.field then [] else [newTodo]
{ state | todos <- state.todos ++ newItems
, guid <- state.guid + 1
, field <- ""

UpdateField str ->
{ state | field <- str }

EditingTask id isEditing ->
let update t = if == id then { t | editing <- isEditing } else t
in { state | todos <- map update state.todos }

UpdateTask id task ->
let update t = if == id then { t | title <- task } else t
in { state | todos <- map update state.todos }

Delete id ->
{ state | todos <- filter (\t -> /= id) state.todos }

DeleteComplete ->
{ state | todos <- filter (not . .completed) state.todos }

Check id isCompleted ->
let update t = if == id then { t | completed <- isCompleted } else t
in { state | todos <- map update state.todos }

CheckAll isCompleted ->
let update t = { t | completed <- isCompleted } in
{ state | todos <- map update state.todos }

ChangeRoute route ->
{ state | route <- route }

state : State
state =
{ todos = []
, route = All
, field = ""
, guid = 0

main = lift2 scene (foldp step state actions.signal) Window.dimensions

scene state (w,h) =
container w h midTop (Html.toElement 550 h (render state))

render : State -> Html
render state =
node "div"
[ "className" := "todomvc-wrapper" ]
[ "visibility" := "hidden" ]
[ node "section"
[ "id" := "todoapp" ]
[ Ref.lazy header state.field
, Ref.lazy2 mainSection state.route state.todos
, Ref.lazy2 statsSection state.route state.todos
, infoFooter

onEnter : Handle a -> a -> EventListener
onEnter handle value =
on "keydown" (when (\k -> k.keyCode == 13) getKeyboardEvent) handle (always value)

header : String -> Html
header value =
node "header"
[ "id" := "header" ]
[ node "h1" [] [] [ text "todos" ]
, eventNode "input"
[ "id" := "new-todo"
, "placeholder" := "What needs to be done?"
, "autofocus" := "true"
, "value" := value
, "name" := "newTodo"
[ on "input" getValue actions.handle UpdateField
, onEnter actions.handle Add

mainSection : Route -> [Todo] -> Html
mainSection route todos =
let isVisible todo =
case route of
Completed -> todo.completed
Active -> not todo.completed
All -> True

allCompleted = all .completed todos
node "section"
[ "id" := "main" ]
[ "visibility" := if isEmpty todos then "hidden" else "visible" ]
[ eventNode "input"
[ "id" := "toggle-all"
, "type" := "checkbox"
, "name" := "toggle"
, bool "checked" allCompleted
[ onclick actions.handle (\_ -> CheckAll (not allCompleted)) ]
, node "label"
[ "htmlFor" := "toggle-all" ]
[ text "Mark all as complete" ]
, node "ul"
[ "id" := "todo-list" ]
(map todoItem (filter isVisible todos))

todoItem : Todo -> Html
todoItem todo =
let className = (if todo.completed then "completed " else "") ++
(if todo.editing then "editing" else "")

node "li" [ "className" := className ] []
[ node "div" [ "className" := "view" ] []
[ eventNode "input"
[ "className" := "toggle"
, "type" := "checkbox"
, bool "checked" todo.completed
[ onclick actions.handle (\_ -> Check (not todo.completed)) ]
, eventNode "label" [] []
[ ondblclick actions.handle (\_ -> EditingTask True) ]
[ text todo.title ]
, eventNode "button" [ "className" := "destroy" ] []
[ onclick actions.handle (always (Delete ] []

, eventNode "input"
[ "className" := "edit"
, "value" := todo.title
, "name" := "title"
, "id" := ("todo-" ++ show
[ on "input" getValue actions.handle (UpdateTask
, onblur actions.handle (EditingTask False)
, onEnter actions.handle (EditingTask False)

statsSection : Route -> [Todo] -> Html
statsSection route todos =
let todosCompleted = length (filter .completed todos)
todosLeft = length todos - todosCompleted
node "footer" [ "id" := "footer", bool "hidden" (isEmpty todos) ] []
[ node "span" [ "id" := "todo-count" ] []
[ node "strong" [] [] [ text (show todosLeft) ]
, let item_ = if todosLeft == 1 then " item" else " items"
in text (item_ ++ " left")
, node "ul" [ "id" := "filters" ] []
[ routeSwap "#/" All route
, text " "
, routeSwap "#/active" Active route
, text " "
, routeSwap "#/completed" Completed route
, eventNode "button"
[ "className" := "clear-completed"
, "id" := "clear-completed"
, bool "hidden" (todosCompleted == 0)
[ onclick actions.handle (always DeleteComplete) ]
[ text ("Clear completed (" ++ show todosCompleted ++ ")") ]

routeSwap : String -> Route -> Route -> Html
routeSwap uri route actualRoute =
let className = if route == actualRoute then "selected" else "" in
eventNode "li" [] []
[ onclick actions.handle (always (ChangeRoute route)) ]
[ node "a" [ "className" := className, "href" := uri ] [] [ text (show route) ]

infoFooter : Html
infoFooter =
node "footer" [ "id" := "info" ] []
[ node "p" [] []
[ text "Double-click to edit a todo"
, node "p" [] []
[ text "Written by "
, node "a" [ "href" := "" ] [] [ text "Evan Czaplicki" ]
, node "p" [] []
[ text "Part of "
, node "a" [ "href" := "" ] [] [ text "TodoMVC" ]
Binary file added bg.png
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
29 changes: 29 additions & 0 deletions index.html
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@

<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>Elm • TodoMVC</title>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="build/Todo.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">


<script type="text/javascript">
var todomvc = Elm.fullscreen(Elm.Main);
todomvc.ports.focus.subscribe(function(selector) {
setTimeout(function() {
var nodes = document.querySelectorAll(selector);
if (nodes.length === 1 && document.activeElement !== nodes[0]) {
}, 50);



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