OllamaSharp provides .NET bindings for the Ollama API, simplifying interaction with Ollama both locally and remotely.
- Ease of use: Interact with Ollama in just a few lines of code.
- API endpoint coverage: Support for all Ollama API endpoints including chats, embeddings, listing models, pulling and creating new models, and more.
- Real-time streaming: Stream responses directly to your application.
- Progress reporting: Get real-time progress feedback on tasks like model pulling.
- Support for vision models and tools (function calling).
OllamaSharp wraps every Ollama API endpoint in awaitable methods that fully support response streaming.
The following list shows a few examples to get a glimpse on how easy it is to use. The list is not complete.
// set up the client
var uri = new Uri("http://localhost:11434");
var ollama = new OllamaApiClient(uri);
// select a model which should be used for further operations
ollama.SelectedModel = "llama3.1:8b";
var models = await ollama.ListLocalModels();
await foreach (var status in ollama.PullModel("llama3.1:405b"))
Console.WriteLine($"{status.Percent}% {status.Status}");
await foreach (var stream in ollama.Generate("How are you today?"))
var chat = new Chat(ollama);
while (true)
var message = Console.ReadLine();
await foreach (var answerToken in chat.Send(message))
// messages including their roles and tool calls will automatically be tracked within the chat object
// and are accessible via the Messages property
Icon and name were reused from the amazing Ollama project.
I would like to thank all the contributors who take the time to improve OllamaSharp. First and foremost mili-tan, who always keeps OllamaSharp in sync with the Ollama API. ❤