Releases: scrapcomputing/ThrottleBlaster
Rev 0.8c: More responsive rotary encoder and bug fix
This release fixes the crash introduced in rev 0.8b when trying to modify the preset frequency or PWM period. Thanks to user @nahimov for reporting the issue!
The rotary encoder responsiveness is still improved just like in rev 0.8b (which I have removed from the releases since it's buggy).
If you are using rev 0.8b please upgrade to this one.
Rev 0.8: Reset Detection
This revision implements the optional reset detection circuit and the corresponding firmware changes.
Please note that this revision of the PCB is untested, so proceed at your own risk!
Rev 0.7: Preset buttons
This release adds a new optional functionality: 8 preset buttons that can be used to select the frequency with one push.
The firmware is compatible with older PCBs.
Please note that this revision of the PCB has not been tested, so proceed at your own risk!!!
Rev 0.6: Firmware bug fixes
Bug fixes:
- Saving MHz/Period settings to flash
- MHz glitch in one-button mode
Rev 0.5: All SMD capacitors, firmware fixes.
- The potentiometer capacitor has been replaced with an SMD one.
- Several firmware fixes
Note: the firmware is compatible with older revisions of the PCB.
Rev.0.4: Knob rotates in reverse direction
The default rotation of the knob has been reversed. The PCB includes a new jumper JP3 that allows you to change the rotation direction.
Firmware rev.0.4 works fine with previous revisions of the PCB.
Rev 0.3: UART
Adds support for serial port.
Rev 0.1
Initial release.