Lists (6)
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Python tool for converting files and office documents to Markdown.
🕗 ⌛ timeago.js is a tiny(2.0 kb) library used to format date with `*** time ago` statement.
A Telegram RSS bot that cares about your reading experience
An HTML5 saveAs() FileSaver implementation
StreamSaver writes stream to the filesystem directly asynchronous
Badges for your personal developer branding, profile, and projects.
A lyric player component library aims to look similar to iPad version of Apple Music. Also with DOM, React and Vue bindings. 一个基于 Web 技术制作的类 Apple Music 歌词显示组件库,同时支持 DOM 原生、React 和 Vue 绑定。
🔎 Rules to detect game engines and other technologies based on Steam depot file lists
Cocos Creator 网页调试工具,运行时查看、修改节点树,实时更新节点属性,可视化显示缓存资源。
Automatically switches between the dark and light theme of Windows 10 and Windows 11
RealKing-kernel for Kona (SM8250): Currently supports ~~ Xiaomi: Poco-F3/Mi11x/K40, Mi10t/pro, Poco F4/K40s. {For Both MiUi and Aosp Roms} and Oneplus 8 series and 9R : opkona ( for both oos and ao…
A fancy self-hosted monitoring tool
Download comics novels 小说漫画下载工具 小説漫画のダウンローダ 小說漫畫下載:腾讯漫画 大角虫漫画 有妖气 咪咕 SF漫画 哦漫画 看漫画 漫画柜 汗汗酷漫 動漫伊甸園 快看漫画 微博动漫 733动漫网 大古漫画网 漫画DB 無限動漫 動漫狂 卡推漫画 动漫之家 动漫屋 古风漫画网 36漫画网 亲亲漫画网 乙女漫画 webtoons 咚漫 ニコニコ静画 ComicWa…
让微信网页版可用 / Allow the use of WeChat via webpage access
Scripts related to CRISPR-mediated toxin-antidote gene drive
集找番、追番、看番的一站式弹幕追番平台,Bangumi 索引,在线 + BitTorrent,弹幕云过滤,100% Kotlin/Compose Multiplatform
Overlay Youtube thumbnails with BA characters drawn by BlueSechi
Toast notifications for Windows 10 and 11 based on WinRT
Python library to display Windows 10 Toast Notifications
Blue Archive Soundtracks and Cosmetics in Mindustry