OWASP Juice Shop is an intentionally insecure webapp for security trainings written entirely in Javascript which encompasses the entire OWASP Top Ten and other severe security flaws.
Juice Shop is written in Node.js, Express and AngularJS. It was the first application written entirely in JavaScript listed in the OWASP VWA Directory.
The application contains over 30 challenges of varying difficulty where the user is supposed to exploit the underlying vulnerabilities. The hacking progress is tracked on a score board. Finding this score board is actually one of the (easy) challenges!
Apart from the hacker and awareness training use case, pentesting proxies or security scanners can use Juice Shop as a "guinea pig"-application to check how well their tools cope with Javascript-heavy application frontends and REST APIs.
Translating "dump" or "useless outfit" into German yields "Saftladen" which can be reverse-translated word by word into "juice shop". Hence the project name. That the initials "JS" match with those of "Javascript" was purely coincidental!
- Easy-to-install: Choose between node.js, Docker and Vagrant to run on Windows/Mac/Linux
- Self-contained: Additional dependencies are pre-packaged or will be resolved and downloaded automatically
- Self-healing: The simple SQLite database is wiped and regenerated from scratch on every server startup
- Gamification: On a Score Board the application keeps track of successfully exploited vulnerabilities
- Free and Open source: Licensed under the MIT license with no hidden costs or caveats
Feel free to have a look at the latest version of OWASP Juice Shop: https://juice-shop.herokuapp.com
This is a deployment-test and sneak-peek instance only! You are not supposed to use this instance for your own hacking endeavours! No guaranteed uptime! Guaranteed stern looks if you break it!
- Click the button below and follow the instructions
This is the quickest way to get a running instance of Juice Shop! If you have forked this repository, the deploy button will automatically pick up your fork for deployment! As long as you do not perform any DDoS attacks you are free to use any tools or scripts to hack your Juice Shop instance on Heroku!
- Install node.js
- Run
git clone https://github.com/bkimminich/juice-shop.git
(or clone your own fork of the repository) - Run
npm install
(only has to be done before first start or when you change the source code) - Run
npm start
- Browse to http://localhost:3000
- Install Docker
- Run
docker pull bkimminich/juice-shop
- Run
docker run -d -p 3000:3000 bkimminich/juice-shop
- Browse to http://localhost:3000 (on OSX browse to instead)
- Install and launch Docker Toolbox
- Search for
and click Create to download image and run container - Click on the Open icon next to Web Preview to browse to OWASP Juice Shop
- Install a 64bit node.js on your Windows (or Linux) machine
- Download
) attached to latest release - Unpack and run
npm start
in unpacked folder - Browse to http://localhost:3000
Each packaged distribution includes some binaries for SQLite bound to the OS and node.js version which
npm install
was executed on.
- Setup an Amazon Linux AMI instance
- In Step 3: Configure Instance Details unfold Advanced Details and copy the script below into User Data
- In Step 6: Configure Security Group add a Rule that opens port 80 for HTTP
- Launch instance
- Browse to your instance's public DNS
yum update -y
yum install -y docker
service docker start
docker pull bkimminich/juice-shop
docker run -d -p 80:3000 bkimminich/juice-shop
Technically Amazon could view hacking activity on any EC2 instance as an attack on their AWS infrastructure! We highly disrecommend aggressive scanning or automated brute force attacks! You have been warned!
- Install Vagrant and Virtualbox
- Run
git clone https://github.com/bkimminich/juice-shop.git
(or clone your own fork of the repository) - Run
cd vagrant && vagrant up
- Browse to http://juice.sh
OWASP Juice Shop officially supports the following versions of node.js and offers Docker images and packaged distributions accordingly:
node.js | Docker images | Docker snapshots | Packaged distributions | |
4.x | node4 |
node4-snapshot , node4-develop |
juice-shop-<version>_node4_windows_x64.zip , juice-shop-<version>_node4_linux_x64.tgz |
6.x | latest , node6 |
snapshot , develop , node6-snapshot , node6-develop |
juice-shop-<version>_node6_windows_x64.zip , juice-shop-<version>_node6_linux_x64.tgz |
7.x | node7 |
node7-snapshot , node7-develop |
juice-shop-<version>_node7_windows_x64.zip , juice-shop-<version>_node7_linux_x64.tgz |
The stable Docker images are built from
while the snapshot images are built fromdevelop
branch. The latter contain unreleased features but cannot be considered stable.
If you need help with the application setup please check the Troubleshooting section below or post your specific problem or question in the official Gitter Chat.
- After changing to a different Node.js version it is a good idea to
and re-install all dependencies from scratch withnpm install
- If you are experiencing
Error 128 from some GitHub
repos during
bower install
execution, rungit config --global url."https://".insteadOf git://
and trynpm install
again - If using Boot2Docker (Docker inside VirtualBox on Windows) make sure
that you also enable port forwarding from Host
for TCP - If
npm install
fails after an update of your local copy duringbower install
complaining about version issues, delete/app/bower_components
and try again to remove outdated versions that cause conflicts - If during
npm install
no binaries can be downloaded for your system, the setup falls back to building from source withnode-gyp
. Check thenode-gyp
installation instructions for additional tools you might need to install (e.g. Python 2.7, GCC, Visual C++ Build Tools etc.) - You may find it easier to find vulnerabilities using a pen test tool. I strongly recommend Zed Attack Proxy which is open source and very powerful, yet beginner friendly.
Found a bug? Crashed the app? Broken challenge? Found a vulnerability that is not on the Score Board?
Feel free to create an issue or post your ideas in the chat! Pull requests are also highly welcome - please refer to CONTRIBUTING.md for details.
💡 indicates resources that contain hints for solving challenges of the OWASP Juice Shop. These are supposed to be helpful whenever you get stuck.
indicates resources that spoiler entire challenge solutions so you might not want to view them before tackling these challenges yourself!
- Pwning OWASP Juice Shop
official (early access) companion guide eBook* (:bulb: in part II,
in appendix)
- Introduction Slide Deck in HTML5
- Lightning Talk Slides
for a 10min project introduction runthrough
- What's new in OWASP Juice Shop for a 10min update on the newest features of 2016
- PDF of the Intro Slide Deck on Slideshare
* available as HTML, PDF, Kindle and ePub
Did you write a blog post, magazine article or do a podcast about or mentioning OWASP Juice Shop? Send a Pull Request so we can add it to the list! The same goes for conference or meetup talks, workshops or trainings you did where you included this project!
- 7 Minute Security Podcast:
- Episode #229: 7MS #229: Intro to Docker for Pentesters (Youtube)
- Episode #230: 7MS #230: Pentesting OWASP Juice Shop - Part 1 (Youtube) :trollface:
- Episode #231: 7MS #231: Pentesting OWASP Juice Shop - Part 2 (Youtube) :trollface:
- Episode #232: 7MS #232: Pentesting OWASP Juice Shop - Part 3 (Youtube) :trollface:
- Episode #233: 7MS #233: Pentesting OWASP Juice Shop - Part 4 (Youtube) :trollface:
- Episode #234: 7MS #234: Pentesting OWASP Juice Shop - Part 5 (Youtube) :trollface:
- German guest post on Informatik Aktuell: Juice Shop - Der kleine Saftladen für Sicherheitstrainings
- Guest post on The official Sauce Labs Blog: Proving that an application is as broken as intended
- Teaser post on Björn Kimminich's Blog: Juice Shop
- Lightning Talk: What's new in OWASP Juice Shop, German OWASP Day 2016, 29.11.2016
- Gothenburg pwns the OWASP Juice Shop, OWASP Gothenburg Day 2016, 24.11.2016
- Hacking the OWASP Juice Shop, OWASP NL Chapter Meeting, 22.09.2016 (Youtube, :trollface: in last 10min)
- Hacking-Session für Developer (und Pentester), Kieler Open Source und Linux Tage, 16.09.2016
- Security-Auditing aus der Cloud – Softwareentwicklung kontinuierlich auf dem Prüfstand, SeaCon 2016, 12.05.2016
- Hacking the Juice Shop ("So ein Saftladen!"), JavaLand 2016, 08.03.2016
- Hacking the JuiceShop! ("Hackt den Saftladen!"), node.HH Meetup: Security!, 03.02.2016
- Lightning Talk: Hacking the Juice Shop ("So ein Saftladen!"), German OWASP Day 2015, 01.12.2015
- Juice Shop - Hacking an intentionally insecure Javascript Web Application, JS Unconf 2015, 25.04.2015
- So ein Saftladen! - Hacking Session für Developer (und Pentester), 17. OWASP Stammtisch Hamburg, 27.01.2015
- On Spreadshirt.com and Spreadshirt.de you can get some swag (Shirts, Hoodies, Mugs) with the official OWASP Juice Shop logo
- On Stickermule.com you can get four variants of the OWASP Juice Shop logo to decorate your laptop
An alternative way to get stickers (and maybe even a pin-back button) is to somehow contribute to the project by fixing an issue, finding a serious bug or submitting a good idea for a new challenge! We're also happy to send some stickers your way if you organize a meetup or conference talk where you use or mention OWASP Juice Shop! Just contact the project leader to discuss your plans: [email protected]!
PayPal donations via above button go to the OWASP Foundations and are earmarked for "Juice Shop". This is the preferred way to support the project.
Inspired by the "classic" BodgeIt Store by @psiinon.
Ordered by date of first contribution. Auto-generated on Tue, 06 Dec 2016 07:45:36 GMT.
- Björn Kimminich aka
- The Gitter Badger aka
- Aaron Edwards aka
- Alec Brooks aka
- wurstbrot
- Dinis Cruz aka
- Gorka Vicente aka
- Alvaro Viebrantz aka
- Johanna A aka
- Stephen OBrien aka
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the MIT license. OWASP Juice Shop and any contributions are Copyright © by Bjoern Kimminich 2014-2016.