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CIL 2022 Road Segmentation Project

Team: DL_goes_brrrrrr

Our codebase has the following different components

  • Generation of Additional Data From Google Maps API
  • Training Different Models (Baselines, UNet, UNet with different Encoders)
  • Finetuning a trained model on a different dataset
  • Evaluation
    • Standard Evaluation without Augmentation
    • Evaluation with Augmentation
  • Ensembling the best models
  • Generating the submission file

The detailed instructions for each of the components is below.

But before that we would like to setup the packages needed for utilizing the codebase.

We use Python 3.8.5 for all our experiments.

If you are using a local machine, execute the following commands to setup and activate the conda environment

conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate cilenv

If you are instead using the Euler Cluster, execute the following commands

module load gcc/8.2.0 python_gpu/3.8.5
pip3 install albumentations==1.1.0

Generation of Additional Data

  • Firstly create appropriate directories for images and directories respectively.
  • Then set the values for sat_image_path and road_image_path in Line 51 and Line 52 of the script with the directories you created.
  • Now replace the API_KEY = "Put your API Key here" in Line 8 of the script with your Google Maps API Key.
  • Finally execute the commandpython to generate the additional data.

Training Different Models

  • To train the baselines, refer to the baselines directory.
  • To train other models, you need to execute the script inside the src directory.
  • The script requires you to provide the following key command line arguments:
    • seed to set the random seed for reproducibility. Example Value: 0
    • valid to set the fraction of training data to use as validation data. Example Value: 0.2
    • train_image_path - to set the path to the train images. Example Value: ./gmap_data/images
    • train_mask_path - to set the path to the train masks. Example Value: ./gmap_data/groudtruth
    • batch_size - to set the batch size for training. Example Value: 4
    • epochs - to set the number of epochs to train the model. Example Value: 200
    • lr - to set the initial learning rate for training. Example Value: 1e-4
    • name - to set the name for the experiment. Example Value: resnet_pretrained
    • model - to set the model to train. Example Value: resnet
    • pretr - flag to decide whether to use pre-trained weights as initialization. Example Value: 1 for using pre-trained weights.
    • wdecay - to include l2 regularization while training the models. Example Value: 1e-5

An example command to execute would be the following:

python --seed 0 --valid 0.2 --train_image_path ./images --train_mask_path ./groundtruth --batch_size 4 --epochs 200 --lr 1e-4 --name xception_pretrained --model xception --pretr 1 --wdecay 0

For the ease of usage, we provide all the scripts we used for training our models in the scripts directory. All the hyperparameters are specified in the scripts themselves.

The script creates a directory (see Lines 23-28 in where it logs outputs, stores model hyperparameters and the models. The name to this directory is created from the command line arguments. Therefore uniqueness in commandline arguments such as name is suggested for better management of experiments. The script also performs early stopping whenever the valid commandline argument is not zero. The models are also saved every 10 epochs. This is stored as model_current_{epoch} where epoch is the current epoch. The models are also stored as and when the performance on validation set improves. They are stored as best_model_{epoch} where epoch is the epoch when the validation loss improved. The model that has the overall best validation score is the one stored the last with the largest epoch number.

Finetuning Different Models

  • To finetune a model, execute the script inside the src directory.
  • For this, make sure to provide the arguments load_path and model in addition to the others discussed above.
  • The script also creates a directory where it logs outputs, stores model hyperparameters and the models.
  • load_path refers to the path of the model to be loaded. Example Value: ./exps/resnet_best/model_best_200.
  • Just like the script, the finetuned models are saved every 10 epochs, as model_ft_current_{epoch} where epoch is current epoch and the best models based on validation set are saved as best_ft_model_{epoch} where epoch is the epoch where validation loss improved.

An example command to finetune on Kaggle Data after training on Google Data would be the following:

python --train_image_path ../kaggle/images --train_mask_path ../kaggle/groundtruth --batch_size 4 --epochs 500 --loss dice --name resnet_gmap_nopt_finetune --model resnet --pretr 0 --load_path best_models_final/gmap/resnet_nopt --seed 1


There are 2 evaluation scripts in the src directory which have the same command-line argument format. Use for simply evaluating the model and to evaluate using evaluation time augmentation. Use the following arguments:

  • The first compulsory argument is model_path which is the path to the trained model.
  • -i (or --image_path) for specifying the path to the satellite images.
  • -s (or --save_path) for specifying the path where the model should be saved.
  • -u (or --unet) is an optional argument to be used when the model to be evaluated is vanilla UNet.

A sample command to evaluate a model would be the following:

python ./unet_finetuned_model --image_path ./kaggle_data/test/images --save_path ./unet_finetuned_output --unet


For generating the ensemble output, first you generate the output for each of the individual models using the evaluation scripts mentioned in the previous section. Then use with the following arguments to get the ensembled output:

  • The first compulsory argument is output_paths where you give a space-separated list of path to models outputs you want to ensemble.
  • -s (or --save_path) for specifying the path where the model should be saved.

A sample commmand to ensemble the outputs for 2 different model outputs would be the following:

python ./unet_finetuned_output/final ./resnet_finetuned_output/final --save_path ./ensemble

The output of the ensemble is the final segmentation maps for each image, stored in the designated directory.

Generating the submission file

To generate the CSV file to be uploaded to Kaggle, use the script and provide the appropriate command line arguments.


Projects for Computational Intelligence Lab






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Contributors 3
