PHP extension: pfc extension #cd pfc #phpize #./configure --with-php-config=php-config #make #make install pfc_memcache extension #cd pfc/storage/memcached #phpize #./confiugre --with-php-config=php-config #make #make install configuration edit php.ini this is an example extension="" extension="" extension="" pfc.data_dir="/opt/samba/pfcstorage" pfc.profiler_enable="off" pfc.config_file="cache_functions" pfc.storage_module="memcached" pfc.memcached.servers=""
webpfc if you web document root is /var/www, just copy the webpfc into /var/www/webpfc and now you can use the web gui by goto http://your server name/webpfc install firefox addon if any question about pfc, please email to: [email protected]