Collection of Vulkan examples that I make to learn stuff in Rust using ash.
You can run one of the following example.
- rt_triangle: Ray-traced triangle.
- rt_shadows: Ray-traced gltf model with simulated sunlight shadow. It has one BLAS with multiple geometries. Light and camera controls with imgui.
- rt_reflections: Ray-traced iterative (not recursive) reflections.
- triangle: Rasterized triangle.
- gpu_particles: Particles simulated on the gpu using a compute shader.
- mandelbrot: Render mandelbrot set on gpu with expensive setting. The goal is to be gpu bound with a simple setup for some tests.
# Powershell example (all scripts have a .sh version)
# Compile all glsl shaders to spir-v 1.4
# Enable validation layers and set log level to debug
.\scripts\debug.ps1 <example>
# Compiles with --release and set log level to info
.\scripts\run.ps1 <example>
For examples with interactive camera you can move the camera with
- WASD to move
- Ctrl and space to go up or down
- Right-click and move the mouse around to look
You can alse press R to cycle through the performance information.
All examples use Vulkan 1.3 and the following features:
- dynamic_rendering
- synchronization2
Ray tracing examples use the following extensions and features:
- VK_KHR_ray_tracing_pipeline
- ray_tracing_pipeline
- VK_KHR_acceleration_structure
- acceleration_structure
- VK_KHR_deferred_host_operations
- Vulkan 1.2's features
- runtime_descriptor_array
- buffer_device_address
RT is only enabled on examples using it, so other examples can run on hardware that does not support it.