Weapon is a collector which provide the reusable part from each project . Each part can be directly choose to be quickly install in the rails project.
It currently contains the following list parts:
- only need to input user@host, it will auto add ssh key/database.yml/application.yml/nginx conf to server, will auto build staging & production env.
- weapon custom_i18n, scaffold generator i18n support, auoto generate model attributes key mapping in config/local/*.yml, generated view and controller i18n support
- model_from_sql, when u only have database, but no migration, it can auto build models for u. it will read all tables, then set the model file and table_name for each table.
- rails_settings_ui, you just need to run 'weapon rails_settings_ui', then http://localhost:3000/settings works
- push_to_github, push your directory into github with no effort, no need to use the browser
gem install weapon
or add the following line to Gemfile:
gem 'weapon'
and run bundle install
from your shell.
chuck@chuck-MacBook-Pro-2:~/seaify/online-products % weapon
weapon create_gem # create basic gem information and push to github, push to rubygems
weapon custom_i18n # custom i18n and use slim as template engine, use simple_form, currently write to zh-CN.yml
weapon for_seaify # only for seaify personal use, combine of other commands act as rails application template
weapon help [COMMAND] # Describe available commands or one specific command
weapon install_must_gems # install must need gems like guard, guard-livereload, guard-rspec...
weapon model_from_sql # build model from sql
weapon push_to_github # push to github
weapon setup_mina_unicorn # setup mina deploy and unicorn server
weapon setup_settings_ui # setup settings ui