After wrangling features from the dataset, the goal was to visualize where resold Yeezys from StockX were ending up. To do that, I created an interactive choropleth map with a scroll bar to show the monthly change in the amount of resold Yeezys found in a state per 100,000 people. If you highlight over each state in the choropleth map, a pop-up box will appear with the following details: {(The amount of Yeezys Resold per 100,000), (State), (State Population), and (The most purchased Yeezy in the State). Yeezys Resold per Capita is a representation of the amount of Yeezys resold by state divided by the state's population, then multiplied it by 100,000. What I concluded was that one will find the most people with Yeezys bought from StockX in Oregon for every 100,000 people.
credit for the dataset goes to StockX
notebook produced by: Chris Louie