The website boilerplate for/by Kairi KAWASAKI.
- Node.js 16+
And also, you should know about:
- Parcel – The build tool used in this boilerplate
- EJS – Default template engine
- [NOTE] You can use other template engines as long as you follow Parcel's specifications.
- PostCSS
- [NOTE] You can use other alt-languages as long as you follow Parcel's specifications.
- Stimulus – Default JavaScript framework
- [NOTE] You have no needs to use it, but I'd recommend because it's modern in architecture and highly readable on development.
- Atomic Design – Use this as a component structure
$ npm ci
$ npm start
$ npm run build
|- dist/ # (Ignored) destination directory w/ `npm (start|run build)`
|- assets/ # Directory for common files referenced by source codes
| |- scripts/ # Directory for JavaScript files
| | |- modules/
| | `- app.js # Common JavaScript file
| |- static/ # Directory for images or other files
| `- styles/ # Directory for style files
| |- modules/
| `- app.pcss # Common (Post)CSS file
|- components/ # Directory for components
| |- atoms/
| |- molecules/
| `- organisms/
| |- Hoge/ # [NOTE] Store all files used in the component into the same directory
| | |- Hoge.ejs
| | |- Hoge.js
| | |- Hoge.pcss
| | |- images/
| | `- ...
| `- ...
|- layouts/ # Directory for layout templates
| |- modules/
| `- Default.ejs
|- pages/ # Directory for each pages
| `- index.ejs
|- static/ # Directory for static files not to be referenced from source codes
|- .config.js # Configuration file for this whole project
|- .ejsrc.js # Configuration file for EJS
|- .htmlnanorc # Configuration file for minifiying HTML
|- .parcelrc # Configuration file for Parcel
|- .postcssrc.js # Configuration file for PostCSS
|- package.json # [NOTE] Some of configurations are also defined here
`- ...